# Pleiades RDF Dump # Contents: Pleiades Errata Range False # Date: 2015/11/29 06:10:32.592 US/Eastern # License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ # Credits: http://pleiades.stoa.org/credits # Triple count: 4092 @prefix cito: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix geo: . @prefix osgeo: . @prefix osspatial: . @prefix pleiades: . @prefix prov: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix spatial: . a ; rdfs:label "Rhodope"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 D3 no. 2 (Rhodope)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Thessalia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 D4 no. 9 (Thessalia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Dardania"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 D3 no. 16 (Dardania)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Asia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 E4 no. 20 (Asia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Lydia (Byzantine province)"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 E4 no. 23 (Lydia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Pisidia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 F4 no. 24 (Pisidia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Bithynia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 E3 no. 31 (Bithynia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Paphlagonia"; rdfs:comment "The 5th/6th century AD Roman province as defined in the Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 102 F3 no. 33 [Paphlagonia])"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Isauria"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 F4 no. 45 (Isauria)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Mesopotamia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 G4 no. 50 (Mesopotamia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Arabia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 G5 no. 56 (Arabia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Withdrawn (duplicate): Aquae Calidae"; rdfs:comment "This place resource is a duplicate for http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/138186 and was erroneously created and published on the basis of unlinked information in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory listings. It has been withdrawn and moved to errata."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Withdrawn: Arc de Berà"; rdfs:comment "This place resource is a duplicate for http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/246238 and was erroneously created and published. It has been withdrawn and moved to errata."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Not Found"; rdfs:comment "The canonical non-existent place"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Aisepos fl."; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 E2 Aisepos fl."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Church of Sant'Urbano alla Caffarella"; spatial:C ; rdfs:comment "A tenth century church built on the site of a Roman structure that was either a temple or a tomb dating ca. AD 160."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III"; spatial:C , ; rdfs:comment "The New Kingdom period Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Unnamed Place"; rdfs:comment "An unnamed ancient place"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "H., see Horvat"; rdfs:comment "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Kh., see Khirbet"; rdfs:comment "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "H., see Horvat"; rdfs:comment "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Kh., see Khirbet"; rdfs:comment "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Kh., see Khirbet"; rdfs:comment "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Deir Abu Matta"; rdfs:comment "The 5th or 6th century Christian Basilica at Deir Abu Matta, located in Egypt's Dakhleh Oasis."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Kh., see Khirbet"; rdfs:comment "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Deprecated Skylax fl."; rdfs:comment "This Pleiades place resource was moved to errata because it is a doublet for another place resource (see details for link)."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Antitaurus M."; spatial:C ; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 B1 Antitaurus M."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Armenia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90 B1 Armenia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Untitled"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Withdrawn (duplicate): Seabegs Wood"; rdfs:comment "This place resource is a duplicate for http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/89287 and was erroneously created and published. It has been withdrawn and moved to errata."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Baetica"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 E4 Baetica"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Lusitania"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 E4 Lusitania"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Mauretania Tingitana"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 E5 Mauretania Tingitana"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Tarraconensis"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 F3 Tarraconensis"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Mauretania Caesariensis"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 F5 Mauretania Caesariensis"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Africa Proconsularis"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 H4 Africa Proconsularis"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Raetia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 J2 Raetia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Sicilia (late Roman province - deprecated)"; spatial:C ; rdfs:comment "The Late Roman Province of Sicily as defined by BAtlas 101 J4 Sicilia. Deprecated in favor of place 981549."; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Pannonia Inferior"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Inferior"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Pannonia Superior"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Superior"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Dalmatia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 K3 Dalmatia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Macedonia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 L3 Macedonia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Moesia Superior"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 L3 Moesia Superior"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Thracia"; rdfs:comment "The Late Roman diocese as defined Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 101 L3 Thracia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Achaia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 L4 Achaia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Moesia Inferior"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 M3 Moesia Inferior"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Asia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 M4 Asia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Hellespontus"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 M4 Hellespontus"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Paphlagonia"; rdfs:comment "The Late Roman province as defined in the Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 101 N3 Paphlagonia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Cyprus"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 N4 Cyprus"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Pisidia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 N4 Pisidia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Pontus Polemoniacus"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P3 Pontus Polemoniacus"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Armenia Minor"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Armenia Minor"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Cilicia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Cilicia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Isauria"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Isauria"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Mesopotamia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Mesopotamia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Arabia"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P5 Arabia"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Alpes Graiae et Poeninae"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 H2 no. 2 (Alpes Graiae et Poeninae)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Alpes Maritimae"; rdfs:comment "The Late Roman province as defined in the Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 101 H3 no. 3 [Alpes Maritimae])"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; rdfs:label "Alpes Cottiae"; rdfs:comment "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 H3 no. 4 (Alpes Cottiae)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-5.0, 35.0], [-5.0, 40.0], [-10.0, 40.0], [-10.0, 35.0], [-5.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((-5.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, -10.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, -10.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-5.0, 30.0], [-5.0, 35.0], [-10.0, 35.0], [-10.0, 30.0], [-5.0, 30.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((-5.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, -10.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, -10.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[0.0, 40.0], [0.0, 45.0], [-5.0, 45.0], [-5.0, 40.0], [0.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((0.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[0.0, 30.0], [0.0, 35.0], [-5.0, 35.0], [-5.0, 30.0], [0.0, 30.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((0.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, -5.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[10.0, 45.0], [10.0, 50.0], [5.0, 50.0], [5.0, 45.0], [10.0, 45.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((10.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 50.0000000000000000, 5.0000000000000000 50.0000000000000000, 5.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[10.0, 40.0], [10.0, 45.0], [5.0, 45.0], [5.0, 40.0], [10.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((10.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 5.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 5.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[10.0, 35.0], [10.0, 40.0], [5.0, 40.0], [5.0, 35.0], [10.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((10.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 5.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 5.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[15.0, 45.0], [15.0, 50.0], [10.0, 50.0], [10.0, 45.0], [15.0, 45.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((15.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 50.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 50.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000))" . osgeo:extent . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[15.0, 35.0], [15.0, 40.0], [10.0, 40.0], [10.0, 35.0], [15.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((15.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 10.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[20.0, 45.0], [20.0, 50.0], [15.0, 50.0], [15.0, 45.0], [20.0, 45.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((20.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 50.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 50.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[20.0, 40.0], [20.0, 45.0], [15.0, 45.0], [15.0, 40.0], [20.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((20.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 15.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[25.0, 40.0], [25.0, 45.0], [20.0, 45.0], [20.0, 40.0], [25.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[25.0, 35.0], [25.0, 40.0], [20.0, 40.0], [20.0, 35.0], [25.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((25.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[30.0, 40.0], [30.0, 45.0], [25.0, 45.0], [25.0, 40.0], [30.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[30.0, 35.0], [30.0, 40.0], [25.0, 40.0], [25.0, 35.0], [30.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((30.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[35.0, 40.0], [35.0, 45.0], [30.0, 45.0], [30.0, 40.0], [35.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[35.0, 35.0], [35.0, 40.0], [30.0, 40.0], [30.0, 35.0], [35.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[40.0, 40.0], [40.0, 45.0], [35.0, 45.0], [35.0, 40.0], [40.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((40.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[40.0, 35.0], [40.0, 40.0], [35.0, 40.0], [35.0, 35.0], [40.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((40.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[40.0, 30.0], [40.0, 35.0], [35.0, 35.0], [35.0, 30.0], [40.0, 30.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((40.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[25.0, 40.0], [25.0, 45.0], [20.0, 45.0], [20.0, 40.0], [25.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[25.0, 35.0], [25.0, 40.0], [20.0, 40.0], [20.0, 35.0], [25.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((25.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 20.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[30.0, 40.0], [30.0, 45.0], [25.0, 45.0], [25.0, 40.0], [30.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[30.0, 35.0], [30.0, 40.0], [25.0, 40.0], [25.0, 35.0], [30.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((30.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 25.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[35.0, 40.0], [35.0, 45.0], [30.0, 45.0], [30.0, 40.0], [35.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 45.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[35.0, 35.0], [35.0, 40.0], [30.0, 40.0], [30.0, 35.0], [35.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 30.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[40.0, 35.0], [40.0, 40.0], [35.0, 40.0], [35.0, 35.0], [40.0, 35.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((40.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[40.0, 30.0], [40.0, 35.0], [35.0, 35.0], [35.0, 30.0], [40.0, 30.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((40.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 35.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000))" . osgeo:extent . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[27.5, 39.5], [27.5, 40.0], [27.0, 40.0], [27.0, 39.5], [27.5, 39.5]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((27.5000000000000000 39.5000000000000000, 27.5000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 27.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 27.0000000000000000 39.5000000000000000, 27.5000000000000000 39.5000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[36.0, 40.0], [36.0, 41.0], [35.0, 41.0], [35.0, 40.0], [36.0, 40.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((36.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 36.0000000000000000 41.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 41.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 36.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000))" . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[47.0, 39.0], [47.0, 40.0], [46.0, 40.0], [46.0, 39.0], [47.0, 39.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((47.0000000000000000 39.0000000000000000, 47.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 46.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 46.0000000000000000 39.0000000000000000, 47.0000000000000000 39.0000000000000000))" . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 D3 2"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Thrakike"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 D3 no. 2 (Rhodope)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:29"; dcterms:title "Rhodope"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Rhodope"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D3 2" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:31"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D3 2" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Rhodope"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:31"; dcterms:title "Rhodope"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D3 2" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 D4 9"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Illyrikon"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 D4 no. 9 (Thessalia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:25"; dcterms:title "Thessalia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Thessalia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D4 9" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:34"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D4 9" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Thessalia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:34"; dcterms:title "Thessalia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D4 9" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 D3 16"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Illyrikon"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 D3 no. 16 (Dardania)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:29"; dcterms:title "Dardania"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Dardania"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D3 16" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:37"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D3 16" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Dardania"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:37"; dcterms:title "Dardania"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 D3 16" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 E4 20"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Asiane"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 E4 no. 20 (Asia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:30"; dcterms:title "Asia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Asia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E4 20" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Asia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:38"; dcterms:title "Asia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E4 20" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:38"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E4 20" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 E4 23"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Asiane"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 E4 no. 23 (Lydia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-12-18 11:04:14"; dcterms:title "Lydia (Byzantine province)"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Lydia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E4 23" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:39"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E4 23" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Lydia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:39"; dcterms:title "Lydia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E4 23" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 F4 24"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Asiane"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 F4 no. 24 (Pisidia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:29"; dcterms:title "Pisidia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Pisidia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F4 24" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:40"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F4 24" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Pisidia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:40"; dcterms:title "Pisidia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F4 24" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 E3 31"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pontike"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 E3 no. 31 (Bithynia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:28"; dcterms:title "Bithynia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Bithynia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E3 31" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:43"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E3 31" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Bithynia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:43"; dcterms:title "Bithynia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 E3 31" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 F3 33"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pontike"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "The 5th/6th century AD Roman province as defined in the Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 102 F3 no. 33 [Paphlagonia])"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:30"; dcterms:title "Paphlagonia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Paphlagonia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F3 33" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-11 11:54:39"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F3 33" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Paphlagonia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-11 11:54:38"; dcterms:title "Paphlagonia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F3 33" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 F4 45"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Anatolike"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 F4 no. 45 (Isauria)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:30"; dcterms:title "Isauria"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Isauria"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F4 45" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:49"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F4 45" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Isauria"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:49"; dcterms:title "Isauria"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 F4 45" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 G4 50"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Anatolike"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 G4 no. 50 (Mesopotamia)"; dcterms:modified "2015-01-31 18:48:37"; dcterms:title "Mesopotamia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Mesopotamia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 G4 50" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:51"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 G4 50" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Mesopotamia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:51"; dcterms:title "Mesopotamia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 G4 50" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 102 G5 56"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Anatolike"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 102 G5 no. 56 (Arabia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:29"; dcterms:title "Arabia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Arabia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 G5 56" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Arabia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:53"; dcterms:title "Arabia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 G5 56" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:07:53"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 102 G5 56" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 18 A3 Aquae Calidae", "CAG 03.306"; dcterms:contributor , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Vichy"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This place resource is a duplicate for http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/138186 and was erroneously created and published on the basis of unlinked information in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory listings. It has been withdrawn and moved to errata."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-16 12:51:20"; dcterms:title "Withdrawn (duplicate): Aquae Calidae"; cito:citesForInformation , ; geo:lat 46.131859; geo:long 3.425488; skos:altLabel "Aquae Calidae"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 18 A3 Aquae Calidae" ] . a ; pleiades:during ; pleiades:end_date 640; pleiades:nameRomanized "Aquae Calidae"; pleiades:start_date -30; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:38:10"; dcterms:title "Aquae Calidae"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 18 A3 Aquae Calidae" ] . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [3.4254880000000001, 46.131858999999999]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POINT (3.4254880000000001 46.1318589999999986)"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 16:38:10"; dcterms:title "Center point of commune Vichy"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Wikipedia, Arc de Berà", "Wikipedia, Tarraco"; dcterms:contributor ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This place resource is a duplicate for http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/246238 and was erroneously created and published. It has been withdrawn and moved to errata."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-15 17:45:25"; dcterms:title "Withdrawn: Arc de Berà"; cito:citesAsRelated ; cito:citesForInformation ; geo:lat 41.173443; geo:long 1.4689962; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [1.4689962000000001, 41.173442999999999]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POINT (1.4689962000000001 41.1734429999999989)"; pleiades:during ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:start_date -30; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "osm:node=408208945"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "Location based on OpenStreetMap"; dcterms:modified "2014-01-15 14:33:01"; dcterms:title "location of Arc de Berà"; cito:citesAsDataSource ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "OpenStreetMap (Node 408208945, version 2, osm:changeset=9722628, 2011-11-02T16:03:46Z)" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "The canonical non-existent place"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-18 18:58:48"; dcterms:title "Not Found"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 56 E2 Aisepos fl.", "RE Aisepos 1"; dcterms:contributor , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Gönen Çay"; dcterms:creator , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 E2 Aisepos fl."; dcterms:modified "2015-01-20 15:09:21"; dcterms:title "Aisepos fl."; cito:citesForInformation , ; geo:lat 39.75; geo:long 27.25; skos:altLabel "Aisepos"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 56 E2 Aisepos fl." ] . a ; pleiades:during , ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:nameRomanized "Aisepos"; pleiades:start_date -330; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 20:16:40"; dcterms:title "Aisepos"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 56 E2 Aisepos fl." ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; pleiades:during , ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:start_date -330; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 20:16:40"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 56 E2 Aisepos fl." ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType , ; pleiades:hasLocation ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Roma Capitale, ANNIA REGILLA - SANT’URBANO", "Wikipedia, Church of Sant'Urbano alla Caffarella"; dcterms:contributor ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "A tenth century church built on the site of a Roman structure that was either a temple or a tomb dating ca. AD 160."; dcterms:modified "2014-02-22 18:12:02"; dcterms:title "Church of Sant'Urbano alla Caffarella"; cito:citesForInformation , ; rdfs:seeAlso ; geo:lat 41.857844; geo:long 12.524306; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [12.524305999999999, 41.857844]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POINT (12.5243059999999993 41.8578440000000001)"; pleiades:during , , ; pleiades:end_date 1453; pleiades:start_date -30; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "verified in Google Earth 2013"; dcterms:modified "2013-01-27 22:02:23"; dcterms:title "location of Church of Sant'Urbano alla Caffarella"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Wikipedia, Medinet Habu (temple)"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "The New Kingdom period Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu."; dcterms:modified "2013-04-12 14:08:39"; dcterms:title "Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III"; cito:citesForInformation ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description "An unnamed ancient place"; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:36:31"; dcterms:title "Unnamed Place"; geo:lat 36.9355; geo:long 31.18; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [31.18, 36.935499999999998]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POINT (31.1799999999999997 36.9354999999999976)"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:36:31"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas map location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 69 H., see Horvat"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-15 07:39:05"; dcterms:title "H., see Horvat"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "H., see Horvat"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 69 H., see Horvat" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "H.", "see Horvat"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:49:24"; dcterms:title "H., see Horvat"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 69 H., see Horvat" ] . a ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:49:24"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 69 H., see Horvat" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 69 Kh., see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-15 07:41:16"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Kh., see Khirbet"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 69 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Kh.", "see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:50:07"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 69 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:50:07"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 69 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 70 H., see Horvat"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-14 23:02:30"; dcterms:title "H., see Horvat"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "H., see Horvat"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 70 H., see Horvat" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "H.", "see Horvat"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:54:47"; dcterms:title "H., see Horvat"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 70 H., see Horvat" ] . a ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:54:47"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 70 H., see Horvat" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 70 Kh., see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-14 23:05:07"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Kh., see Khirbet"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 70 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Kh.", "see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:55:11"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 70 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 21:55:11"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 70 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 71 Kh., see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-14 23:06:29"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Kh., see Khirbet"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 71 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Kh.", "see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:00:26"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 71 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:00:26"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 71 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "The 5th or 6th century Christian Basilica at Deir Abu Matta, located in Egypt's Dakhleh Oasis."; dcterms:modified "2012-10-20 16:28:48"; dcterms:subject "dare:ancient=1", "dare:feature=church", "dare:major=0"; dcterms:title "Deir Abu Matta"; geo:lat 25.585083; geo:long 28.902178; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [28.902177999999999, 25.585083000000001]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POINT (28.9021779999999993 25.5850830000000009)"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:18:41"; dcterms:title "Deir Abu Matta"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 83 Kh., see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This is not and never should have been a place resource; it was created because a cross-reference that should have been ignored in the Barrington Atlas Map-by-Map Directory was erroneously treated as place data during initial processing. It has therefore been moved from its original location to the errata section and its original URI deprecated."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-14 23:08:36"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Kh., see Khirbet"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 83 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Kh.", "see Khirbet"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:37:04"; dcterms:title "Kh., see Khirbet"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 83 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:37:04"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 83 Kh., see Khirbet" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 87 A4 Skylax fl.", "RE Scylax 5"; dcterms:contributor [ a ; foaf:name "Diane Braund" ], , , ; dcterms:coverage "Çekerek Irmak"; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description "This Pleiades place resource was moved to errata because it is a doublet for another place resource (see details for link)."; dcterms:modified "2013-10-11 17:07:00"; dcterms:title "Deprecated Skylax fl."; cito:citesForInformation , ; skos:altLabel "Skylax"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 87 A4 Skylax fl." ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; pleiades:during , ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:start_date -330; dcterms:contributor [ a ; foaf:name "Diane Braund" ], , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description "Location is within the footprint of BAtlas map 87 grid A4, but otherwise undetermined"; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:52:50"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 87 A4 Skylax fl." ] . a ; pleiades:during , ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:nameRomanized "Skylax"; pleiades:start_date -330; dcterms:contributor [ a ; foaf:name "Diane Braund" ], , , ; dcterms:creator , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:52:50"; dcterms:title "Skylax"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 87 A4 Skylax fl." ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 89 B1 Antitaurus M.", "RE Antitauros"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:coverage "Antitaurus"; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 B1 Antitaurus M."; dcterms:modified "2012-07-13 10:34:29"; dcterms:title "Antitaurus M."; cito:citesForInformation , ; rdfs:seeAlso ; geo:lat 39.625; geo:long 39.5; skos:altLabel "Antitaurus M."; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 89 B1 Antitaurus M." ] . a ; pleiades:during , ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:nameRomanized "Antitaurus M."; pleiades:start_date -330; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 22:59:43"; dcterms:title "Antitaurus M."; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 89 B1 Antitaurus M." ] . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[39.0, 39.25], [39.0, 39.75], [39.75, 40.0], [40.0, 39.75], [39.0, 39.25]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((39.0000000000000000 39.2500000000000000, 39.0000000000000000 39.7500000000000000, 39.7500000000000000 40.0000000000000000, 40.0000000000000000 39.7500000000000000, 39.0000000000000000 39.2500000000000000))"; pleiades:during , ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:start_date -330; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 89"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This bounding polygon is based on the label placement -- plus a small buffer rounded to the quarters of a degree -- used in Barrington Atlas Map 89 by S.E. Kroll, et al."; dcterms:modified "2012-07-13 10:34:09"; dcterms:title "Bounding polygon for Antitaurus mountains"; cito:cites ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 90 B1 Armenia", "KlPauly Armenia"; dcterms:contributor , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Barrington Atlas grid 90 B1"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90 B1 Armenia"; dcterms:modified "2013-12-29 17:31:18"; dcterms:title "Armenia"; cito:citesForInformation , ; skos:altLabel "Armenia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 90 B1 Armenia" ] . a ; pleiades:during , ; pleiades:end_date 640; pleiades:nameRomanized "Armenia"; pleiades:start_date -550; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 23:08:01"; dcterms:title "Armenia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 90 B1 Armenia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; pleiades:during , , , ; pleiades:end_date 640; pleiades:start_date -550; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14 23:08:01"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 90 B1 Armenia" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 90", "EncIran"; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-19 17:24:16"; dcterms:title "Untitled"; cito:citesForInformation , ; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 90" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Canmore Site 46788", "Keppie and Walker, Britannia 12 (1981) 143-162", "Roman-Britain.org, Seabegs Wood, Milnquarter, Central"; dcterms:contributor ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This place resource is a duplicate for http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/89287 and was erroneously created and published. It has been withdrawn and moved to errata."; dcterms:modified "2014-01-16 11:53:19"; dcterms:title "Withdrawn (duplicate): Seabegs Wood"; cito:citesForInformation , , ; geo:lat 55.991074; geo:long -3.9065705; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-3.9066109999999998, 55.990952], [-3.9067720000000001, 55.991123000000002], [-3.9065270000000001, 55.991196000000002], [-3.9063690000000002, 55.991028], [-3.9066109999999998, 55.990952]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((-3.9066109999999998 55.9909520000000001, -3.9067720000000001 55.9911230000000018, -3.9065270000000001 55.9911960000000022, -3.9063690000000002 55.9910280000000000, -3.9066109999999998 55.9909520000000001))"; pleiades:during ; pleiades:end_date 300; pleiades:start_date -30; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Canmore Site 46788"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2013-03-14 03:59:44"; dcterms:title "Boundary of fortlet walls (approx)"; cito:cites ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 E4 Baetica"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Hispaniae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 E4 Baetica"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:33"; dcterms:title "Baetica"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Baetica"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E4 Baetica" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Baetica"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:26"; dcterms:title "Baetica"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E4 Baetica" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:26"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E4 Baetica" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 E4 Lusitania"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Hispaniae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 E4 Lusitania"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:34"; dcterms:title "Lusitania"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Lusitania"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E4 Lusitania" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:26"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E4 Lusitania" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Lusitania"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:26"; dcterms:title "Lusitania"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E4 Lusitania" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 E5 Mauretania Tingitana"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Hispaniae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 E5 Mauretania Tingitana"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:35"; dcterms:title "Mauretania Tingitana"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Mauretania Tingitana"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E5 Mauretania Tingitana" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:27"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E5 Mauretania Tingitana" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Mauretania Tingitana"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:27"; dcterms:title "Mauretania Tingitana"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 E5 Mauretania Tingitana" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 F3 Tarraconensis"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Hispaniae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 F3 Tarraconensis"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:31"; dcterms:title "Tarraconensis"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Tarraconensis"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 F3 Tarraconensis" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:32"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 F3 Tarraconensis" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Tarraconensis"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:32"; dcterms:title "Tarraconensis"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 F3 Tarraconensis" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 F5 Mauretania Caesariensis"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Africa"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 F5 Mauretania Caesariensis"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:35"; dcterms:title "Mauretania Caesariensis"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Mauretania Caesariensis"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 F5 Mauretania Caesariensis" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:34"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 F5 Mauretania Caesariensis" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Mauretania Caesariensis"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:34"; dcterms:title "Mauretania Caesariensis"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 F5 Mauretania Caesariensis" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 H4 Africa Proconsularis"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Africa"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 H4 Africa Proconsularis"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:36"; dcterms:title "Africa Proconsularis"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Africa Proconsularis"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H4 Africa Proconsularis" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Africa Proconsularis"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:44"; dcterms:title "Africa Proconsularis"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H4 Africa Proconsularis" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:44"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H4 Africa Proconsularis" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 J2 Raetia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Italia"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 J2 Raetia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:33"; dcterms:title "Raetia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Raetia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 J2 Raetia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:50"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 J2 Raetia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Raetia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:50"; dcterms:title "Raetia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 J2 Raetia" ] . a , ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 J4 Sicilia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Italia"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "The Late Roman Province of Sicily as defined by BAtlas 101 J4 Sicilia. Deprecated in favor of place 981549."; dcterms:modified "2012-12-19 19:57:13"; dcterms:title "Sicilia (late Roman province - deprecated)"; cito:citesForInformation ; rdfs:seeAlso ; skos:altLabel "Sicilia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 J4 Sicilia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:55"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 J4 Sicilia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Sicilia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:55"; dcterms:title "Sicilia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 J4 Sicilia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Inferior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pannoniae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Inferior"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:35"; dcterms:title "Pannonia Inferior"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Pannonia Inferior"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Inferior" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:56"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Inferior" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Pannonia Inferior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:56"; dcterms:title "Pannonia Inferior"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Inferior" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Superior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pannoniae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Superior"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:36"; dcterms:title "Pannonia Superior"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Pannonia Superior"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Superior" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:57"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Superior" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Pannonia Superior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:46:57"; dcterms:title "Pannonia Superior"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K2 Pannonia Superior" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 K3 Dalmatia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pannoniae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 K3 Dalmatia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:34"; dcterms:title "Dalmatia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Dalmatia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K3 Dalmatia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:01"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K3 Dalmatia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Dalmatia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:01"; dcterms:title "Dalmatia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 K3 Dalmatia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 L3 Macedonia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Moesiae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 L3 Macedonia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:33"; dcterms:title "Macedonia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Macedonia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Macedonia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:09"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Macedonia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Macedonia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:09"; dcterms:title "Macedonia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Macedonia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 L3 Moesia Superior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Moesiae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 L3 Moesia Superior"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:35"; dcterms:title "Moesia Superior"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Moesia Superior"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Moesia Superior" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:09"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Moesia Superior" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Moesia Superior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:09"; dcterms:title "Moesia Superior"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Moesia Superior" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 L3 Thracia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Thracia (diocese)"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "The Late Roman diocese as defined Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 101 L3 Thracia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:31"; dcterms:title "Thracia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Thracia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Thracia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-05 16:19:07"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Thracia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Thracia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-05 16:19:07"; dcterms:title "Thracia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L3 Thracia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 L4 Achaia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Moesiae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 L4 Achaia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:32"; dcterms:title "Achaia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Achaia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L4 Achaia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Achaia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:12"; dcterms:title "Achaia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L4 Achaia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:12"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 L4 Achaia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 M3 Moesia Inferior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Thracia"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 M3 Moesia Inferior"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:35"; dcterms:title "Moesia Inferior"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Moesia Inferior"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M3 Moesia Inferior" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:17"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M3 Moesia Inferior" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Moesia Inferior"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:17"; dcterms:title "Moesia Inferior"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M3 Moesia Inferior" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 M4 Asia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Asiana"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 M4 Asia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:34"; dcterms:title "Asia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Asia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Asia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Asia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:19"; dcterms:title "Asia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Asia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:19"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Asia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 M4 Hellespontus"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Asiana"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 M4 Hellespontus"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:33"; dcterms:title "Hellespontus"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Hellespontus"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Hellespontus" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:21"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Hellespontus" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Hellespontus"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:21"; dcterms:title "Hellespontus"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Hellespontus" ] . a ; rdfs:label "Lycia et Pamphylia"; spatial:C , , ; rdfs:comment "The roman province of Lycia and Pamphylia after the Verona List (303-324 AD) (BAtlas 101 M4 Lycia et Pamphylia)"; foaf:primaryTopicOf . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-12 12:43:18"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Lycia et Pamphylia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Lycia et Pamphylia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-12 12:43:18"; dcterms:title "Lycia et Pamphylia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Lycia et Pamphylia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 N3 Paphlagonia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pontica"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "The Late Roman province as defined in the Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 101 N3 Paphlagonia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:33"; dcterms:title "Paphlagonia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Paphlagonia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N3 Paphlagonia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-12 12:41:49"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N3 Paphlagonia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Paphlagonia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-12 12:41:48"; dcterms:title "Paphlagonia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N3 Paphlagonia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 N4 Cyprus"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Oriens"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 N4 Cyprus"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:30"; dcterms:title "Cyprus"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Cyprus"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N4 Cyprus" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:29"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N4 Cyprus" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Cyprus"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:29"; dcterms:title "Cyprus"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N4 Cyprus" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 N4 Pisidia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Asiana"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 N4 Pisidia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:31"; dcterms:title "Pisidia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Pisidia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N4 Pisidia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:32"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N4 Pisidia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Pisidia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:32"; dcterms:title "Pisidia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 N4 Pisidia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 P3 Pontus Polemoniacus"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pontica"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P3 Pontus Polemoniacus"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:35"; dcterms:title "Pontus Polemoniacus"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Pontus Polemoniacus"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P3 Pontus Polemoniacus" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:35"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P3 Pontus Polemoniacus" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Pontus Polemoniacus"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:35"; dcterms:title "Pontus Polemoniacus"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P3 Pontus Polemoniacus" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 P4 Armenia Minor"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Pontica"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Armenia Minor"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:36"; dcterms:title "Armenia Minor"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Armenia Minor"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Armenia Minor" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Armenia Minor"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:36"; dcterms:title "Armenia Minor"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Armenia Minor" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:36"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Armenia Minor" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 P4 Cilicia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Oriens"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Cilicia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:34"; dcterms:title "Cilicia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Cilicia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Cilicia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:38"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Cilicia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Cilicia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:38"; dcterms:title "Cilicia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Cilicia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 P4 Isauria"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Oriens"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Isauria"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:33"; dcterms:title "Isauria"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Isauria"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Isauria" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:39"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Isauria" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Isauria"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:39"; dcterms:title "Isauria"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Isauria" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 P4 Mesopotamia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Oriens"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P4 Mesopotamia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:32"; dcterms:title "Mesopotamia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Mesopotamia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Mesopotamia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:39"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Mesopotamia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Mesopotamia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:39"; dcterms:title "Mesopotamia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P4 Mesopotamia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 P5 Arabia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Oriens"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 P5 Arabia"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:32"; dcterms:title "Arabia"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Arabia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P5 Arabia" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Arabia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:42"; dcterms:title "Arabia"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P5 Arabia" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:42"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 P5 Arabia" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 H2 2"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Galliae"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 H2 no. 2 (Alpes Graiae et Poeninae)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:31"; dcterms:title "Alpes Graiae et Poeninae"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Alpes Graiae et Poeninae"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H2 2" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Alpes Graiae et Poeninae"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:53"; dcterms:title "Alpes Graiae et Poeninae"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H2 2" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:53"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H2 2" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 H3 3"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Viennensis"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "The Late Roman province as defined in the Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 101 H3 no. 3 [Alpes Maritimae])"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:31"; dcterms:title "Alpes Maritimae"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Alpes Maritimae"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H3 3" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Alpes Maritimae"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-11 11:53:17"; dcterms:title "Alpes Maritimae"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H3 3" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-04-11 11:53:18"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H3 3" ] . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 H3 4"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Italia"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 101 H3 no. 4 (Alpes Cottiae)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:34"; dcterms:title "Alpes Cottiae"; cito:citesForInformation ; skos:altLabel "Alpes Cottiae"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H3 4" ] . a ; pleiades:nameRomanized "Alpes Cottiae"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:55"; dcterms:title "Alpes Cottiae"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H3 4" ] . a ; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps ; dcterms:contributor , , , , , ; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-15 13:47:55"; dcterms:title "Barrington Atlas location"; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 H3 4" ] . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . a , ; osspatial:within ; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 101 M4 Lycia et Pamphylia"; dcterms:contributor , , , , , , ; dcterms:coverage "Asiana"; dcterms:creator , , , , , , , , ; dcterms:description "The roman province of Lycia and Pamphylia after the Verona List (303-324 AD) (BAtlas 101 M4 Lycia et Pamphylia)"; dcterms:modified "2012-07-20 13:30:36"; dcterms:title "Lycia et Pamphylia"; cito:citesForInformation ; rdfs:seeAlso , , ; skos:altLabel "Lycia et Pamphylia"; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 101 M4 Lycia et Pamphylia" ] . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent . osgeo:extent .