@prefix void: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix wv: . @prefix sd: . <> a void:DatasetDescription; dcterms:title "A VoID Description of the Pleiades Places Dataset" ; dcterms:creator ; foaf:primaryTopic :PleiadesPlaces ; . :PleiadesPlaces a void:Dataset ; # Basic metadata foaf:homepage ; foaf:page ; dcterms:title "Pleiades Places" ; dcterms:description "Linked Data about ancient world places" ; dcterms:publisher :PleiadesProject ; dcterms:license ; void:feature ; # TODO: add institutional and individual contributions # Access metadata void:dataDump ; # Structural metadata void:uriSpace "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/" ; void:uriRegexPattern "^http://pleiades\\.stoa\\.org/places/(\d+)#this$" ; void:exampleResource ; # Vocabularies used void:vocabulary ; void:vocabulary ; void:vocabulary ; void:vocabulary ; void:vocabulary ; . # Other entities :PleiadesProject a foaf:Organization; rdfs:label "Pleiades Project"; foaf:homepage ; .