This archive contains the data for replication the results of: Temporal causal inference with stochastic audiovisual sequences. Shannon M. Locke & Michael S. Landy Plos One, 2017 We consider these files to be in the public domain. However, if you do use the data, we would appreciate your citing the paper as described above (we’ll fill in the publication details as soon as they are available). Files: Exp1_rawData.txt Exp2_rawData.txt Exp1_psychometricFits.txt (folder) rawSequences Common variable names: sID = randomly assigned 3 digit subject identifier the same across Exp 1 & 2 session = 1 (no conflict), 2 (spatial conflict), 3 (temporal conflict), 4 (spatiotemporal conflict) modality = 1 (visual), 2 (auditory), 3 (audiovisual) % ——————————————————————————————————————— % 1. Exp1_rawData.txt Rows for each trial (comparison stimulus presentation) in Exp. 1. Duration = stimulus presentation duration in seconds, stimLvl = the relative event rate (comparison stimulus rate minus 8 event/s for the standard), response = 1 if subject reported comparison faster and 0 otherwise. 2. Exp2_rawData.txt Rows each trial of Exp. 2. Rate = average rate of the sequence in event/s, TempConflictYN = flag indicating if the auditory and visual sequences were generated independently (1) or not (0), maxOffset = the maximum offset between any consecutive click and flash in seconds, propSync = proportion of synchronous click-flash pairs in the sequence, response = judged common source (1) or separate sources (0). 3. Exp1_psychometricFits.txt Summary statistics calculated from the MCMC samples. Note that the modality of 0 are the predictions for optimal calculated from the unisensory data. MuEst and sigmaEst are the means on the marginalised posteriors for mu and sigma of the fit cumulative Gaussian functions. The Low95CI and High95CI are the lower and higher 95% credible intervals on the marginalised posteriors. 4. (folder) rawSequences The sequences in these files (MATLAB .mat files) are coded with 1 = event and 0 = no event. For Exp. 1, the sequences for both the comparison and standard stimuli are given, the cell index in order of presentation. For Exp. 2, the row corresponds to trial number (1-360 session 1, 361-720 session 2), and column the frame number. Note that 60 Hz refresh rate was used. % ——————————————————————————————————————— % Contact: Michael S. Landy