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Browsing "Finance Working Papers" by Issue Date

Showing results 2 to 21 of 839
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Sep-2017Leverage, Default, and Mortality: Evidence from Cancer DiagnosesGupta, Arpit
7-Jun-2017Skin or Skim? Inside Investment and Hedge Fund PerformanceGupta, Arpit; Kunal, Sachdeva
Apr-2017Trading Cost and Informational EfficiencyDavila, Eduardo; Parlatore, Cecilia
Apr-2017Collateralizing LiquidityParlatore, Cecilia
17-Jan-2017Investing in the Presence of Massive Flows: The Case of MSCI Country ReclassificationsGakidis, Harry; Burnham, Terence; Wurgler, Jeffrey
Mar-2016The Risk Anomaly Tradeoff of LeverageBaker, Malcom; Hoeyer, Mathias F.; Wurgler, Jeffrey
Apr-2015Transparency and Bank RunsParlatore, Cecilia
1-Jan-2015Dividends as Reference Points: A Behavioral Signaling ApproachWurgler, Jeffrey; Baker, Malcolm; Mendel, Brock
6-Oct-2014Do Strict Capital Requirements Raise the Cost of Capital? Bank Regulation and the Low Risk AnomalyWurgler, Jeffrey; Baker, Malcolm
18-Apr-2013Glucksman Fellowship Program Student Research ReportsGhosh, Shourya; McDermid, Kenneth; Mellet, Joe; Silber, William L., Editor
15-Mar-2013Would Stricter Capital Requirements Raise the Cost of Capital? Bank Capital Regulation and the Low Risk AnomalyBaker, Malcolm; Wurgler, Jeffrey
7-Mar-2013Smokescreen: How managers behave when they have something to hideSchmida, Markus; Gonzáleza, Tanja Artiga; Yermack, David
23-Jan-2013Asset Pricing Frictions in Fragmented MarketsPagnotta, Emiliano
30-Nov-2012Equilibrium Existence and Approximation for Incomplete Market Models with Substantial HeterogeneityMertens, Thomas M.; Judd, Kenneth L.
19-Sep-2012Shaping Liquidity: On the Casual Effects of Voluntary DisclosureBalakrishnan, Karthik; Billings, Mary; Kelly, Bryan; Ljungqvist, Alexander
19-Sep-2012As Certain as Debt and Taxes: Estimating the Tax Sensitivity of Leveragefrom Exogenous State Tax ChangesLjungqvist, Alexander; Heider, Florian
26-Jul-2012Pricing Systematic Ambiguity in Capital MarketsBrenner, Menachem; Izhakian, Yehuda
2-Jul-2012Dynamic Conditional BetaEngle, Robert
28-Jun-2012Financing from Family and FriendsLee, Samuel; Persson, Petra
29-May-2012Hunting for Alpha Hunters in the Currency JungleLevich, Richard M.; Pojarliev, Momtchil
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