0:00:04.400,0:00:08.240 We know that people of all kinds: scientists, activists 0:00:08.240,0:00:12.880 storytellers, and engineers, use code to express themselves and solve problems. 0:00:12.880,0:00:19.080 We also know that multilingual students can participate in those conversations-- some already do. 0:00:19.080,0:00:23.000 But how can cs teachers foster that participation in school? 0:00:23.000,0:00:25.460 It all starts with your planning. 0:00:25.460,0:00:29.519 We find it useful for teachers to begin planning by answering the questions: 0:00:29.519,0:00:33.200 Code for what? What conversation will code become a part of? 0:00:33.200,0:00:34.840 Let's meet Ms. Silfa. 0:00:34.840,0:00:39.720 Ms. Silfa is a middle school science teacher in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. 0:00:39.720,0:00:46.160 Ms. Silfa worked with researchers on our project to bring code into her seventh grade bilingual science class. 0:00:46.160,0:00:49.360 She knew she needed to cover weather and scientific models, 0:00:49.360,0:00:52.719 but at first it wasn't clear how best to incorporate code. 0:00:52.720,0:00:58.320 But then one day, a researcher overheard some of Ms. Silfa's students talking about hurricane Maria, 0:00:58.320,0:01:02.220 which had devastated Puerto Ricco at the start of that school year. 0:01:02.220,0:01:10.500 Karen: Hurricane Maria occurred in September of 2017 and a lot of my students had experience 0:01:10.500,0:01:15.420 with hurricanes because in the Dominican Republic there have also been many hurricanes as well. 0:01:15.420,0:01:20.840 In the news they were saying that there was no water, there was no electricity, 0:01:20.840,0:01:23.760 so there was a lot of things that were happening at the moment. 0:01:23.760,0:01:30.440 Sarane: We realized that the issue of Hurricane Maria hit on a sweet spot for curriculum design that brought together three areas. 0:01:30.440,0:01:37.140 First of all, it was a conversation that students were already having with each other and likely their families. 0:01:37.140,0:01:40.560 This topic was relevant to students and their communities. 0:01:40.560,0:01:44.740 Second, it correlated with topics Karen had to cover in science. 0:01:44.740,0:01:52.080 Karen: For science we talked about what models are and how models are used in science. We talked about physical models. 0:01:52.080,0:01:56.080 Sarane: Third, it brought in code and computing tools and practices. 0:01:56.080,0:02:02.060 During Hurricane Maria, computational models were in the news: models predicting the weather, 0:02:02.060,0:02:11.200 representing immigration patterns, arguing about the total death count on the island, and explaining the extent of the devastation. 0:02:11.200,0:02:17.760 With all of this in mind, Ms. Silfa decided to focus her unit on the topic of Hurricane Maria impacts, 0:02:17.760,0:02:22.200 intentionally bringing together practices and ideas from those three circles: 0:02:22.200,0:02:28.640 computing, community, and school subjects, in this case science. So, how did she do it? 0:02:28.640,0:02:34.000 Karen: The three circles approach helps me in my planning because I have to keep in mind 0:02:34.080,0:02:42.000 how the community, how I could use the community, what scientific content I have to cover, 0:02:42.000,0:02:49.760 and using computer science as well. So it helps me very much with my planning for my unit. 0:02:49.760,0:02:55.500 Sarane: The culminating project was for her students to use Scratch, a block space coding program, 0:02:55.500,0:03:01.980 to present the effects of the hurricane to audiences including their families and community-based scientists 0:03:01.980,0:03:08.600 using any language. To prepare their models, students did research about the impacts of strong storms 0:03:08.600,0:03:16.480 by interviewing family members activists and scientists on the ground, engaging in science and community at the same time. 0:03:16.480,0:03:20.480 Karen: They also examined physical and computational models about hurricanes 0:03:20.480,0:03:24.879 from both english and spanish media they looked at the different types of model 0:03:24.879,0:03:29.680 and the limitations there are in both what are the limitations from 0:03:29.680,0:03:33.519 physical models the limitations of computational models and 0:03:33.519,0:03:37.040 how that even though you create a model it's not 0:03:37.040,0:03:42.080 a hundred percent like real life then they started making their own models 0:03:42.080,0:03:47.760 they first drew a model first when the hurricane passed then this happened 0:03:47.760,0:03:51.040 so a cause and effect 0:03:51.360,0:03:54.720 they did so they did it on paper and they 0:03:54.720,0:03:58.879 then they did it in scratch as students brought their models to life in scratch 0:03:58.879,0:04:03.599 they learned key practices in computing like debugging and events and behaviors 0:04:03.599,0:04:09.200 we talked about you know for something to happen you have to tell 0:04:09.200,0:04:12.640 the computer to do it to cap it off students shared their 0:04:12.640,0:04:16.560 projects with an authentic audience the American Association of 0:04:16.560,0:04:20.880 Latinos in Stem went one day to the classroom and the 0:04:20.880,0:04:26.000 kids were able to show their projects with them 0:04:26.000,0:04:29.600 there was some representative from con edison that were there 0:04:29.600,0:04:35.759 engineers and the kids were excited sharing the projects and explaining with 0:04:35.759,0:04:39.120 them what they did during the unit students 0:04:39.120,0:04:41.680 not only learned their 7th grade curriculum 0:04:41.680,0:04:45.600 but how to use code and models to make a difference in their communities 0:04:45.600,0:04:51.040 they did so syncretically. Borrowing from scholar Kris Gutierrez and others 0:04:51.040,0:04:55.040 we use the word syncretic to describe the act of merging practices that 0:04:55.040,0:04:57.680 usually stand in opposition to each other 0:04:57.680,0:05:00.800 in a way that creates greater meaning this means 0:05:00.800,0:05:04.880 combining them into more than the sum of their parts without denying the tension 0:05:04.880,0:05:08.000 between them science classes often actively 0:05:08.000,0:05:12.639 marginalize and undermine community knowledge syncretic pedagogy on the 0:05:12.639,0:05:15.199 other hand allows students to build on that 0:05:15.199,0:05:17.840 knowledge and take control of the conversation 0:05:17.840,0:05:21.440 by leveraging science to further the well-being of their communities 0:05:21.440,0:05:24.800 trans languaging helps create syncretic conversations 0:05:24.800,0:05:28.160 as students bring language ideas and practices 0:05:28.160,0:05:32.479 associated with different places together reveal those tensions 0:05:32.479,0:05:37.120 and do productive work across them and code is part of these conversations 0:05:37.120,0:05:41.280 miss selfa students use language learned in their communities to engage 0:05:41.280,0:05:45.039 science concepts they also use language from science 0:05:45.039,0:05:48.639 like cause and effect to learn programming in scratch 0:05:48.639,0:05:51.840 they use computational models and code to help them 0:05:51.840,0:05:54.880 understand the hurricane's impacts on the community 0:05:54.880,0:06:00.000 most importantly they leverage language and experience from all three circles to 0:06:00.000,0:06:02.880 create deeper meaning we find that the richest 0:06:02.880,0:06:07.360 conversations for students in cs are syncretic when i use the three 0:06:07.360,0:06:11.280 circles in my class the impact that i've seen is 0:06:11.280,0:06:17.919 I see more student engagement when we're doing the projects they take 0:06:17.919,0:06:21.440 ownership because they feel like they're doing something that 0:06:21.440,0:06:25.840 is important to them is important for their community 0:06:25.840,0:06:30.000 it's another resource basically for them conversations about 0:06:30.000,0:06:34.560 with and through code are all around us in school subjects and in the wider 0:06:34.560,0:06:37.759 community you must also recognize code can have 0:06:37.759,0:06:41.759 detrimental or even oppressive effects in students lives 0:06:41.759,0:06:45.199 truly supporting multilingual learners and all kids 0:06:45.199,0:06:48.880 in cs means facing these conversations head on 0:06:48.880,0:07:03.840 ultimately it's students who will change the conversation 0:07:07.440,0:07:09.520 you