Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
- | Alexander Razumni's 1919 agitka,Comrade Abraham | - |
- | Alice Hastings in Charles Davenport's Khavah (U.S.A., 1919) based on Sholem Aleichem's Tevye stories | - |
- | An Austrian countess (Dagny Servaes) longs for her Jewish guardsman (Maurice Schwartz) in Sidney Goldin's Yisker (Austria, 1924) The film featured the Yiddish Art Theater and was adapted from a play by Harry Secler | - |
- | An errant mother (Polish singer Fania Rubina) entertains the residents of the Bialystoker Home for the Aged in Joseph Sieden's Mayn Zundele (U.S.A.,1937). (Jerry Ross, who, as Jerry Rosenberg, played the film's eponymous "sonny", later cowrote the musicals The pajama game and Damn Yankees!) | - |
- | Boris Thomashefsky looks directly into the camera in this production still from Henry Lynn's Bar Mitsve (U.S.A.,1935). The original superstar of the American Yiddish stage, Thomashefsky is flanked by his "children" (Benjamin Schechtman and Gertrude Bullman); his "parents" (Morris Strassberg and Leah Noemi) are at far left. | - |
- | Cast and crew of Yidl mitn Fidl: Molly Picon (center) is flanked by the film's two directors, Joseph Green (in suspenders, left) and Jan Nowina-Przybylski.Max Bozuk stands directly behind Green, Simcha Fostel is next to him (behind Picon and Nowina-PRzybylski). | - |
- | Cast and crew of Der Vilner Shot Khazn: an unhappy-looking Helen Beverly is flanked by her equally somber director, Max Nosseck (left), and costar, Moishe Oysher. | - |
- | Cast and crew of Der Yidisher Kenig Lir (U.S.A.,1935). Producer Joseph Seiden stands in the back row, fourth from theleft; beside him, the star Maurrice Krohner raises a glass. The movie recorded a long-running Federal Theater production of Jacob Gordin's Yiddish classic. | - |
- | Cast and crew of Judea's Sailor's Sweetheart (u.S.A., 1930): director Sidney Goldin is seated at center with actress Miriam Kressyn on his knee; her co-star Hymie Jacobson accepts a five-dollar bill from producer Joseph Seiden; composer Sholom Secunda is seated on floor in front of Goldin. | - |
- | Cast and crew of Mayn Yidishe Mame (U.S.A., 1930): star Mae Simon and director Sidney Goldin are seated at center. The young couple behindthem (center) are Bernice Simon and Seymour Rexite.. Producer Joseph Seiden is seated at far left | - |
- | Cast and crew of Tkies Kaf: at far left is producer Leo Forbert: in front of him is director Zygmund Turkow. To the right are stars Esther Kaminska and Ida Kaminska. At far right is cameraman Seweryn Steinwurzel; beside him (standing) is scenarist Henryk Bojm. | - |
- | Cast and crew: Henryk Szaro's Der Lamedvovnik (Poland, 1925). Cameraman Seweryn Steinwurzel sits cross-legged 0n floor, directly behind him is scenarist Henryk Bojm. Producer Leo Forbert is seated left of Bojm; behind Forber and Bojm is the film's star Jonas Turkow. The director stands by the camera at the extreme right, studying the script. | - |
- | Central marketplace, Kazimierz, early 1920s. a picturesque, largely Jewish town, Kazimierz was a favored location for Poland's Yiddish filmmakers. (This photograph was taken by Alter Kacyzne, autor of two Yiddish screenplays, including Der Dibek.) | - |
- | Children of the soil. A Jewish farmgirl (Helen Beverly) teases her brother (saul Levine) in Grine Felder (U.S.A., 1937). Adapted from the play by Peretz Hirshbein, this was the first American Yiddish talkie to be shot outside the studio. | - |
- | Clinton Theater, New York, April 1934. The current attraction is the feature-length cantorial Der Kholem fun Mayn Folk, which documented Yosele Rosenblatt's trip to Palestine. | - |
- | Der Vilner Shtot Khazn (U.S.A., 1940). Moniuszko brings the cantor to Warsaw, where he sings opera and captivates a countesss's niece (helen Beverly). | - |
- | Der Vilner Shtot Khazn (U.S.A., 1940). Polish composer Stanislaw Moniuszko Jack Mylong Munz) and his conductor (Leonard Elliot) are in the congregation. | - |
- | Der Vilner Shtot Khazn (U.S.A., 1940). That night, theyintroduce the balebesl to Beethoven; he succumbs. | - |
- | Der Vilner Shtot Khazn (U.S.A., 1940). The legendary Vilner Balebesl (Moishe Oysher) chanting the Rosh Hashanah service. | - |
- | Der Vilner Shtot Khazn (U.S.A., 1940). Too late, the Balebesl recognizes the price his family and community have paid for his desertion; emotionally exhausted, he returns to Vilna on the eve of Yom Kippur, and, after chanting Kol Nidre, dies in the synagogue. | - |