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CeDER Working Papers

The Center for Digital Economy Research supports research related to technology. In addition, the Center for Digital Economy Research maintains a comprehensive list of all Stern School research related to the digital economy.

Collection's Items: 1 to 20 of 80

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2005ACORA: Distribution-Based Aggregation for Relational Learning from Identifier AttributesPerlich, Claudia; Provost, Foster
Nov-2004Active Learning for Decision MakingSaar-Tsechansky, Maytal; Provost, Foster
11-Sep-2010Analyzing the Amazon Mechanical Turk MarketplaceIpeirotis, Panagiotis G.
Jan-2006Are Digital Rights Valuable? Theory and Evidence from eBook PricingOestreicher-Singer, Gal; Sundararajan, Arun
2-Oct-2002Bayesian Analysis and Model Revision for k’th Order Markov Chains with Unknown k.Radner, Roy
1-May-2009Bayesian Learning in Social NetworksLobel, Ilan; Dahleh, Munther; Acemoglu, Daron; Ozdaglar, Asuman
19-Feb-2005Building an Effective Representation for Dynamic NetworksHill, Shawndra; Agarwal, Deepak; Bell, Robert; Volinsky, Chris
2005Building and Querying Large ModelbasesTuzhilin, Alexander; Liu, Bing; Hu, Jie
2004Classification in Networked Data: A Toolkit and a Univariate Case StudyMacskassy, Sofus; Provost, Foster
6-Mar-2006Classification-Aware Hidden-Web Text Database SelectionIpeirotis, Panagiotis G.; Gravano, Luis
2004Collaborating on Multi-party Information Systems Development Projects: A Collective Reflection-in-Action ViewLevina, Natalia
2004Collaborating on Multi-party Information Systems Development Projects: A Collective Reflection-in-Action ViewLevina, Natalia
17-May-2007Collective Inference for Consumer NetworksHill, Shawndra; Provost, Foster; Volinsky, Chris
22-Sep-2011Comments on 'Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change: A Proposed Framework for Businesses and Policymakers'Dhar, Vasant; Hsieh, Jessy; Sundararajan, Arun
7-Nov-2011Comparative Effectiveness for Oral Anti-diabetic Treatments among Newly Diagnosed Type-2 Diabetics: Machine Learning Applied to a Large-Scale Claims DatasetMaguire, Jon; Dhar, Vasant
2-Jun-2009Conditions for the Propagation of Memory Parameter from Durations to Counts and Realized VolatilityDeo, Rohit; Hurvich, Clifford M.; Soulier, Philippe; Wang, Yi
2004Confidence Bands for Roc CurvesMacskassy, Sofus; Provost, Foster
29-May-2012Data Science and PredictionDhar, Vasant
10-Mar-2010Demographics of Mechanical TurkIpeirotis, Panagiotis G.
8-Oct-2007Deriving the Pricing Power of Product Features by Mining Consumer ReviewsArchak, Nikolay; Ghose, Anindya; Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.