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Research Self-Efficacy scale

Authors: Holden Gary, Barker Kathleen
Meenaghan Tom, Rosenberg Gary
Keywords: self-efficacy;scale development;educational outcomes assessment;accreditation;Social Cognitive Theory;scale;measure;research
Issue Date: 30-Sep-2007
Abstract: The Research Self-Efficacy scale was designed to assess social work students' confidence in their ability to complete specific research activities. Respondents rate their level of confidence regarding each item on an 11-point scale (0=cannot do at all; 50=moderately certain can do; 100=certain can do). The RSE takes approximately five minutes to complete; its readability estimate is Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 11.2. The RSE assesses social work students' confidence in their ability to perform nine specific research activities. The RSE exhibited high internal consistency and the data provided preliminary evidence supporting its construct validity. The scale was sufficiently sensitive to detect change in students' research self-efficacy from the beginning to the end of their participation in a single-semester research course.
Appears in Collections:Gary Holden's Collection

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