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Pediatric pain and anxiety: A meta-analysis of outcomes for a behavioral telehealth intervention

Authors: Holden Gary
Bearison David
Rode Diane
Fishman-Kapiloff Merri
Rosenberg Gary
Onghena Patrick
Keywords: SSD;n = 1;single subject design;single system design;telehealth;meta-analysis;Starbright;pediatric;pain;anxiety
Issue Date: 3-Oct-2007
Abstract: The utility of using single system designs in an optimal set of circumstances is considered. The effects of a computer network intervention on three outcomes (pain intensity, pain aversiveness and anxiety) were explored in previous evaluations via restricted alternating treatment designs. This paper presents an overview of the results of those evaluations, along with new metaanalyses that combine results across all three studies and explore potential moderating variables. This is followed by a discussion of the utility of this approach for social work research. Final version of the manuscript for citation: Holden, G., Bearison, D., Rode, D., Fishman-Kapiloff, M., Rosenberg, G. & Onghena, P. (2003). Pediatric pain and anxiety: A meta-analysis of outcomes for a behavioral telehealth intervention. Research on Social Work Practice, 13, 693-704.
Rights: Final version of the manuscript for citation: Holden, G., Bearison, D., Rode, D., Fishman-Kapiloff, M., Rosenberg, G. & Onghena, P. (2003). Pediatric pain and anxiety: A meta-analysis of outcomes for a behavioral telehealth intervention. Research on Social Work Practice, 13, 693-704. Copyright Sage Publications.
Appears in Collections:Gary Holden's Collection

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