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Thank-you letter from the "Mayor's Committee for Mobilization" to the Department of Sanitation Band

Authors: Langdon, Harry R.
Keywords: Mayor;Special event;On the Job, social
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2007
Abstract: Thank-you letter to the Superintendent Cunningham and the Department of Sanitation Band from the Mayor's Committee for Mobilization for their performance at the City Council on July 3rd, 1942.
Description: Typed 8.5 x 11" letter with handwritten signature. Lists the members of the "Mayor's Committee for Mobilization" on the left-hand side of the stationary. Harry R. Langdon's signature is in blue pencil. The stationary logo reads, "New York At War, June 13th, Speeds Victory!" Found among contents of a binder labeled "Sanitation Band Historical Collection, Bureau of Public Affairs, Compiled by: Joel Feuer." Unclear if the contents of the binder reflect the contents of Frank J. Lopiano's presentation to the Department of Sanitation in January 1984.
ISSN: 43
Appears in Collections:NYU-New York Department of Sanitation Museum Project

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