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Nature or Nurture? Learning and Female Labor Force Dynamics

Authors: Fogli, Alessandra
Veldkamp, Laura
Issue Date: 1-May-2007
Series/Report no.: EC-07-12
Abstract: Much of the increase in female labor force participation in the post-war period has come from the entry of married women with young children. Accompanying this change has been a rise in cultural acceptance of maternal employment. We argue that the concurrent S-shaped rise in maternal participation and its cultural acceptance is well explained by generations of women engaged in Bayesian learning about the e®ects of maternal employment on children. Each generation updates their parents' beliefs by observing the children of employed women. When few women participate in the labor force, most observations are uninformative and participation rises slowly. As information accumulates and the e®ects of labor force participation become less uncertain, more women participate, learning accelerates and labor force participation rises faster. As beliefs converge to the truth, participation °attens out. Survey data, wage data and participation data support our mechanism and distinguish it from alternative explanations.
Appears in Collections:Economics Working Papers

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