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Information Immobility and the Home Bias Puzzle

Authors: Veldkamp, Laura
Nieuwerburgh, Van
Keywords: Home bias;asymmetric information;learning
Issue Date: 19-Apr-2008
Series/Report no.: EC-04-32
Abstract: Many argue that home bias arises because home investors can predict home asset payoffs more accurately than foreigners can. But why doesn't global information access eliminate this asymmetry? We model investors, endowed with a small home information advantage, who choose what information to learn before they invest. Surprisingly, even when home investors can learn what foreigners know, they choose not to: Investors pro¯t more from knowing information others do not know. Learning amplifies information asymmetry. The model matches patterns of local and industry bias, foreign investments, portfolio out-performance and asset prices. Finally, we propose new avenues for empirical research.
Appears in Collections:Economics Working Papers

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