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Euler Equation Errors

Authors: Lettau, Martin
Ludvigson, Sydney C.
Issue Date: 24-Oct-2006
Series/Report no.: FIN-06-012
Abstract: The standard, representative agent, consumption-based asset pricing theory based on CRRA utility fails to explain the average returns of risky assets. When evaluated on cross sections of stock returns, the model generates economically large unconditional Euler equation errors. Unlike the equity premium puzzle, these large Euler equation errors cannot be resolved with high values of risk aversion. To explain why the standard model fails, we need to develop alternative models that can rationalize its large pricing errors. We evaluate whether four newer theories at the vanguard of consumption-based asset pricing can explain the large Euler equation errors of the standard consumption-based model. In each case, we nd that the alternative theory counterfactually implies that the standard model has negligible Euler equation errors. We show that a simple model in which aggregate consumption growth and stockholder consumption growth are highly correlated most of the time, but have low or negative correlation in severe recessions, produces violations of the standard model s Euler equations and departures from joint log normality that are remarkably similar to those found in the data.
Appears in Collections:Finance Working Papers

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