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Return Generating Process and the Determinants of Term Premiums

Authors: Elton, Edwin J.
Gruber, Martin J.
Mei, Jianping
Keywords: nonlinear cross-equation restriction;asset pricing;bond returns
Issue Date: 11-Dec-1994
Series/Report no.: FIN-94-029
Abstract: This paper examines asset pricing theories for treasury bonds using longer maturities than previous studies and employing a simple multi-factor model. We allow bond factor loadings to vary over time according to term structure variables. The model examines not only the time variation in the expected returns of bonds but also their unexpected returns. This allows us to explicitly test some asset pricing restrictions which are difficult to study under existing frameworks. We confirm that the pure expectation theory of the term structure of interest rates is rejected by the data. Our empirical study of a two-factor model finds substantial evidence of time-varying term-premiums and factor loadings. The fact that factor loadings vary with long term interest rates and yield spreads suggest that bond return volatilities are sensitivity to interest rate levels.
Appears in Collections:Finance Working Papers

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