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A component model for dynamic correlations

Authors: Engle, Robert
Colacito, Riccardo
Ghysels, Eric
Issue Date: 9-Feb-2009
Series/Report no.: FIN-08-039
Abstract: The idea of component models for volatility is extended to dynamic correlations. We propose a model of dynamic correlations with a short- and long-run component specification. We call this class of models DCC-MIDAS as the key ingredients are a combination of the Engle (2002) DCC model, the Engle and Lee (1999) component GARCH model to replace the original DCC dynamics with a component specification and the Engle, Ghysels, and Sohn (2006) GARCH-MIDAS component specification that allows us to extract a long-run correlation component via mixed data sampling. We provide a comprehensive econometric analysis of the new class of models, including conditions for positive semi-definiteness, and provide extensive empirical evidence that supports the model specification.
Appears in Collections:Finance Working Papers

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