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dc.contributor.authorChoi, Jay Pil - Michigan State University-
dc.description.abstractThis paper develops a simple model to analyze the effects of mergers in complementary system markets when the merged firm is able to engage in bundling. In the short-run analysis, I analyze the impact of (mixed) bundling on pricing decisions for existing generations of products. The basic model is then extended to analyze industry dynamics where the implications of mergers for innovation incentives and technical tying/compatibility decisions are explored. Welfare implications of mergers in the shortand long-run will be also analyzed.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNET Institute Working Paper;03-02-
dc.subjectmerger, mixed bundling, complementary markets, compatibility,innovation, Cournot effecten
dc.titleAntitrust Analysis of Mergers with Bundling in Complementary Markets:Implications for Pricing, Innovation, and Compatibility Choiceen
Appears in Collections:NET Institute Working Papers Series

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