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Visualization in the Digital Humanities: Moving Toward Stronger Collaborations

Authors: Bradley, Adam James
El-Assady, Mennatallah
Coles, Katherine
Alexander, Eric
Chen, Min
Collins, Christopher
Jänicke, Stefan
Wrisley, David Joseph
Keywords: visualization;digital humanities;academic collaboration;interdisciplinarity
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Citation: Visualization and the Digital Humanities: Moving Toward Stronger Collaborations. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 38(6): 26-38.
Abstract: For the past two years, researchers from the visualization community and the digital humanities have come together at the IEEE VIS conference to discuss how both disciplines can work together to push research goals in their respective disciplines. In this paper, we present our experiences as a result of this collaboration.
ISSN: 1558-1756
DOI: 10.1109/MCG.2018.2878900
Appears in Collections:David Wrisley's Collection

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