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Spaces of Diasporas: Kurdish identities, experiences of otherness and politics of belonging

Authors: Alinia, Minoo
Keywords: Sweden -- refugees; Sweden -- Kurdish refugees; Sweden -- social conditions; Sweden -- youth; Sweden -- education; Sweden -- ethnic relations; Iran -- Kurdish refugees; Iraq -- Kurdish refugees; Syria -- Kurdish refugees; Turkey -- Kurdish refugees; Displacement
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Göteborg University
Description: "This thesis concerns sociological analysis of deterritoriality and displacement, and is guided by the overall issue of how displaced populations, especially migrants, refugees and diasporas, deal with questions of origin, homeland, and national belonging. These questions are studied within a context of increasing population movements and of a global hierarchy of power, where these groups have become political categories with growing impact on identities and social relations."
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Appears in Collections:International Relations & Ethnic Minorities: NGO and Think-Tank Reports

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