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dc.contributor.authorDionigi, Filippo-
dc.contributor.authorGirard, Mireille-
dc.contributor.authorSaaid, Hayder Mustafa-
dc.contributor.authorKhoury, Rana B.-
dc.contributor.authorChatelard, Géraldine-
dc.coverage.spatialWestern Asia; Africa; Middle East and North Africa region (MENA); Middle East; North Africa; Lebanon; Jordan; Iraqen
dc.description"The Arab Uprisings of 2011 set events in motion that have vastly changed the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), not only through organised protest and violent conflict, but also through migration and demographic change. The Syrian conflict has forcibly displaced more than 11 million people – half of the country’s population. 6.5 million are internally displaced, while 5 million have crossed the border to find refuge abroad, in neighbouring countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt, and elsewhere both regionally and globally. In a workshop held on 17–18 June 2016, the LSE Middle East Centre brought together a diverse group of people (policymakers from host states, representatives from international organisations, academics and NGOs practitioners) to explore the effects of the Syrian refugee emergency on Arab host states such as Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. This volume brings together a set of papers presented at the workshop. It also presents a list of key recommendations relevant for all stakeholders and agreed upon by participants."en
dc.publisherLondon School of Economics Middle East Centreen
dc.rightsNYU Libraries is providing access to these materials as a service to our scholarly community. We do not claim the copyright in these materials, nor can we give permission for their re-use. If you would like to request that we take down any of this material, please write to with the following information: Provide the URL of the material that is the basis of your inquiry; Identify the material you have rights to; Provide your contact information, including name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address; Provide a statement of your good-faith belief that the material you identified is infringing of the material you have rights to.en
dc.subjectLebanon - migrants; Jordan -- migrants; Iraq -- migrants; Lebanon - refugees; Jordan -- refugees; Iraq -- refugees; Lebanon - social conditions; Jordan -- social conditions; Iraq -- social conditionsen
dc.titleThe long-term challenges of forced migration: perspectives from Lebanon, Jordan and Iraqen
dc.publisher.placeLondon, UKen
Appears in Collections:International Relations & Ethnic Minorities: NGO and Think-Tank Reports

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