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Tipos das ruas (II)

Authors: Araújo Lopes, Erotides Américo de
Date: 1890
Type: Escultura
Description: Piezas en madera, talladas entre 1890-1900. Museu Histórico Nacional. Fotos de Jens Andermann, 2000. [An even more intriguing version of the theme (Popular culture) is presented by the little wooden figurines carved between 1890 and 1900 by the black Bahian artist Erotides Américo de Araújo Lopes, to serve as household memorabilia of the local upper class. Yet while certainly participating in a nostalgic remembrace of the imperial past, the figures also possess a certain fetishistic quality that associates them to Afrobrazilian religious practices. Indeed, they provide an interesting object of reflection on the interplay between upper-class representations of the popular and popular syncretism, which appropriates consecrated cultural and religious forms. /Text by J. A.]
Country: Brazil
Source: Museu Histórico Nacional / Museu Paulista
Appears in Collections:Relics & Selves: Iconographies of the National in Argentina, Brazil and Chile

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