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Manáus, Igarapé do corréio

Authors: Frisch, Albert
Date: 1865
Type: Fotografía
Description: Amazonas, c. 1865. Albumen 18.6 x 23.5 cm. [Coleção Pedro Corrêa do Lago. Photograph attributed to Frisch, then a commissioned photographer for the House of George Leuzinger, Photographers at the Imperial Court. The image was commercialized as Leuzinger's own, in a series of views from Brazil, which was also displayed at exhibitions abroad. Illustration taken from Rubens Fernandes Júnior & Pedro Corrêa do Lago (eds.), 'O século XIX na fotografia brasileira: coleção Pedro Corrêa do Lago', Brasília: Francisco Alves, 2001]
Country: Brazil
Source: Casa de Rui Barbosa
Appears in Collections:Relics & Selves: Iconographies of the National in Argentina, Brazil and Chile

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