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dc.contributor.authorBroderick, William F.-
dc.contributor.authorSimoncelli, Eero P.-
dc.contributor.authorWinawer, Jonathan-
dc.descriptionThis dataset is the "partially-processed" data for the spatial frequency preferences project, and contains the .mat files created by GLMdenoise. Additionally, this dataset contains prebuilt docker and singularity containers of the python environment. See Github README for more details:
dc.description.abstractNeurons in primate visual cortex (area V1) are tuned for spatial frequency, in a manner that depends on their position in the visual field. Several studies have examined this dependency using fMRI, reporting preferred spatial frequencies (tuning curve peaks) of V1 voxels as a function of eccentricity, but their results differ by as much as two octaves, presumably due to differences in stimuli, measurements, and analysis methodology. Here, we characterize spatial frequency tuning at a millimeter resolution within human primary visual cortex, across stimulus orientation and visual field locations. We measured fMRI responses to a novel set of stimuli, constructed as sinusoidal gratings in log-polar coordinates, which include circular, radial, and spiral geometries. For each individual stimulus, the local spatial frequency varies inversely with eccentricity, and for any given location in the visual field, the full set of stimuli span a broad range of spatial frequencies and orientations. Over the measured range of eccentricities, the preferred spatial frequency is well-fit by a function that varies as the inverse of the eccentricity plus a small constant. We also find small but systematic effects of local stimulus orientation, defined in both absolute coordinates and relative to visual field location. Specifically, peak spatial frequency is higher for tangential than radial orientations and for horizontal than vertical orientations.en
dc.description.sponsorshipNSF, NIH, Simons Foundation, HHMIen
dc.subjectvisual cortexen
dc.subjectspatial visionen
dc.subjectspatial frequencyen
dc.titleMapping Spatial Frequency Preferences Across Human Primary Visual Cortexen
Appears in Collections:Jonathan Winawer’s Collection

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