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Authors: Croker, Albert E.
Dhar, Vasant
Issue Date: Aug-1990
Publisher: Stern School of Business, New York University
Series/Report no.: IS-90-09
Abstract: In this paper we present a general representation for constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) and a - framework for reasoning about their solution that unlike most constraint-based relaxation algorithms. stresses the need for a "natural" encoding of constraint knowledge and can facilitate making inferences for propagation, backtracking, and explanation. The representation consists of two components: a generate-and-test problem solver which contains information about the problem variables, and a constraint-driven reasoner that manages a set of constraints, specified as arbitrarily complex Boolean expressions and represented in the form of a constraint network. This constraint network: incorporates control information (reflected in the syntax of the constraints) that is used for constraint propagation: contains dependency information that can be used for explanation and for dependency-directed backtracking; and is incremental in the sense that if the problem specification is modified, a new solution can be derived by modifying the existing solution.
Appears in Collections:IOMS: Information Systems Working Papers

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