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Can Streets Be Too Clean? Yes, Some Say

Authors: Bahrampour, Tara
Keywords: History;Trash and Transformation;Sweeping-mechanical;cleaning
Issue Date: 17-Oct-2007
Publisher: New York Times
Abstract: A scan of a news clipping from the New York Times
Description: Source: Robin Nagle. Original newsprint article, faded yellow-brown color. Article is from the Neighborhood Report section of the New York Times, focusing on Manhattan specifically. Briefly documents street cleaning from 1950 to 2000 and includes statics of New Yorkers who were polled on how clean they believed their streets to be, as well as the highest and lowest rating of street "cleanliness."
Rights: New York Times
Appears in Collections:NYU-New York Department of Sanitation Museum Project

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
DSNYM-20071014-JP-03.tiffNew York Times Article, August 6, 2000, page12.24 MBTIFFThumbnail
DSNYM-20071014-JP-04.tiffNew York Times Article, August 6, 2000, page 2234.46 kBTIFFThumbnail

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