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dc.contributor.authorStapleton, Richard C.-
dc.contributor.authorSubrahmanyam, Marti G.-
dc.description.abstractWe derive general properties of two-factor models of the term structure of interest rates and, in particular, the process for futures prices and rates. Then, as a special case, we derive a no-arbitrage model of the term structure in which any two futures rates act as factors. In this model, the term structure shifts and tilts as the factor rates vary. The cross-sectional properties of the model derive from the solution of a two-dimensional, autoregressive process for the short-term rate, which exhibits both mean-reversion and a lagged persistence parameter. We show that the correlation of the futures rates is restricted by the no-arbitrage conditions of the model. In addition, we investigate the determinants of the volatilities and the correlations of the futures rates of various maturities. These are shown to be related to the volatility of the short rate, the volatility of the second factor, the degree of mean-reversion and the persistence of the second factor shock. We also discuss the extension of our model to three or more factors. We obtain specific results for futures rates in the case where the logarithm of the short-term rate [e.g., the London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR)] follows a two-dimensional process. We calibrate the model using data from Eurocurrency interest rate futures contracts, using alternative optimization criteria. We then derive the term structures of volatilities and correlations implied by the model.en
dc.titleThe Term Structure of Interest-Rate Futures Pricesen
dc.typeWorking Paperen
Appears in Collections:Economics Working Papers

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