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Results 1-10 of 23

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Indirect Network Effects and the Product Cycle: Video Games in the U.S., 1994-2002Clements, Matthew T. - University of Texas; Ohashi, Hiroshi - University of Tokyo
2004Interest-Based Self-Organizing Peer-to-Peer Networks: A Club Economics ApproachAsvanund, Atip - Carnegie Mellon University; Krishnan, Ramayya - Carnegie Mellon University; Smith, Michael D. - Carnegie Mellon University; Telang, Rahul - Carnegie Mellon University
2004Digital Rights Management and the Pricing of Digital ProductsPark, Yooki - University of California, Berkeley; Scotchmer, Suzanne - University of California, Berkeley
2004A Model for Emergency Service of VoIP Through Certification and LabelingSicker, Douglas C. - University of Colorado at Boulder; Lookabaugh, Tom - University of Colorado at Boulder
2004Co-opetition in standard-setting: the case of the Compact DiscKretschmer, Tobias - London School of Economics; Muehlfeld, Katrin - University of Groningen
2004Two-Sided Competition of Proprietary vs. Open Source TechnologyPlatforms and the Implications for the Software IndustryEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Katsamakas, Evangelos - Fordham University
2004Adware, Shareware, and Consumer PrivacyGantman, Nataly - Tel Aviv University; Spiegel, Yossi - Tel Aviv University
2004MEDQUAL: Improving Medical Web Search over Time with Dynamic Credibility HeuristicsGinsburg, Mark - University of Arizona
2004Risk Attitudes and Internet Search Engines: Theory and Experimental EvidenceGarcia-Gallego, Aurora - Universitat Jaume I; Georgantzis, Nikolaos - Universitat Jaume I; Pereira, Pedro - Autoridade da Concorrencia; Pernias-Cerrillo, Jose C. - Universitat Jaume I
2004Information Precision and Asymptotic Efficiency of Industrial MarketsTunca, Tunay I. - Stanford University