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Results 1-10 of 27

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Patents and the Performance of Voluntary Standard Setting OrganizationsRysman, Marc - Boston University; Simcoe, Tim - University of Toronto
2005Pricing of Complements and Network EffectsEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Viard, V. Brian - Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
2005Piggybackers and freeloaders: platform economics and indirect liability for copyright infringementOrbach, Barak Y. - University of Arizona
2005Used Good Trade Patterns: A Cross-Country Comparison of Electronic Secondary MarketsGhose, Anindya - NYU Stern School of Business
2005An economic analysis of enterprise adoption of open source softwareKatsamakas, Evangelos - Fordham University; Xin, Mingdi - NYU Stern School of Business
2005The Effect of P2P File Sharing on Music Markets: A SurvivalAnalysisofAlbums on Ranking ChartsBhattacharjee, Sudip - University of Connecticut; Gopal, Ram D. - University of Connecticut; Lertwachara, Kaveepan - University of Connecticut; Marsden, James R. - University of Connecticut; Telang, Rahul - Carnegie Mellon University
2005Rationalizing the E-Rate: The Effects of Subsidizing IT in EducationWard, Michael R. - University of Texas at Arlington
2005Two-Sided Competition of Proprietary vs. Open Source TechnologyPlatforms and the Implications for the Software IndustryEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Katsamakas, Evangelos - Fordham University
2005Quality Uncertainty And Adverse Selection In Sponsored Search MarketsAnimesh, Animesh - University of Maryland; Ramachandran, Vandana - University of Maryland; Viswanathan, Siva - University of Maryland
2005Linux vs. Windows: A Comparison of Application and PlatformInnovationIncentives for Open Source and Proprietary Software PlatformsEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Katsamakas, Evangelos - Fordham University