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Bidirectional dependency parsing trained on the Turin University Treebank

Authors: Champollion, Lucas
Mannem, Prashanth
Robaldo, Livio
Keywords: Dependency parsing;Bidirectional parsing;LTAG-spinal
Issue Date: 2007
Citation: Champollion, Lucas, Prashanth Mannem, and Livio Robaldo (2007). Bidirectional dependency parsing trained on the Turin University Treebank. Proceedings of the EVALITA 2007 Workshop. Rome, Italy, September 10th, 2007. Special issue of Intelligenza Artifiziale, volume IV(2), pages 48-49.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the application of a bidirectional dependency parser trained on the Turin University Treebank.
Appears in Collections:Lucas Champollion's publications

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