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Engaging men and boys towards gender equality: the state of the girl child in India 2011

Authors: Plan India
Keywords: Women's studies;Gender inequality;Gender discrimination;Male participation;Men's action to stop violence against women;Awareness and attitude
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Plan India
Description: "This report argues that there is a need for a shift in thinking from 'men and boys as part of the problem' to 'men and boys as part of the solution'. Portraying young men as perpetrators, as people to be feared, does not help them to change. Young men need opportunities to experiment with different ways of behaving that affirm who they are, not what they feel they ought to be. Like young women, they need to be listened to and to have their concerns and needs addressed. Only then can they grow into caring partners and fathers; only then can they learn to treat their children better than they were treated by their parents."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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