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Development, patriarchy, and politics: Indian women in the political process, 1947-1992

Authors: Kasturi, Leela
Keywords: Women's studies;Women -- Political activity -- India;Women in development -- India;Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- India;Women in development;Women -- Legal status, laws, etc;Women -- Political activity
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: Centre for Women's Development Studies
Description: "In this paper, I propose to give an overview of various aspects of women's status by relating it to succeeding waves of the women's movement with the help of three seminal documents which span a period of over fifty years (1940-92) and perhaps four generations of women. Set in three historical periods-pre-independence, post-independence, and post-1975, the documents roughly chart women's progress and/or regression over time, and articulate the hopes and demands of women. The first of these is the Report of the Sub-Committee on 'Woman's Role in Planned Economy' (1947); the second is the Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in India (Government of India, 1974), and the third is the National Perspective Plan for Women, A Perspective Plan the Women's Movement (1988)."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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