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2010 New York City Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs)

Issue Date: 2-Mar-2016
Description: This polygon layer is a subset of the Census TIGER PUMA file, re-projected to local state plane and modified by subtracting a subset of the Census TIGER water layer (nyu_2451_34507) from it to create land-based boundaries. PUMAs are statistical areas built from census tracts that are designed to have approximately 100k residents. PUMA boundaries from the 2010 Census were first used in the American Community Survey (ACS) 2012 series; earlier series used the 2000 Census boundaries. The Census began assigning official names (in addition to numbers) to PUMAs based on state and local government input beginning in 2010. The unique ID is geoid10; the FIPS state-puma code. This layer was created as part of the NYC Geodatabase (NYC GDB) project, a resource designed for basic geographic analysis and thematic mapping within the five boroughs of New York City.
Appears in Collections:Spatial Data Repository

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
nyu_2451_34498.zip190.24 kBUnknownView/Open
nyu_2451_34498_WGS84.zip153.19 kBUnknownView/Open
nyu_2451_34498_doc.zip182.67 kBUnknownView/Open

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