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2010 New York City Census Tract Population Centers

Issue Date: 2-Mar-2016
Description: This point layer is an extract of the 2010 Census Center of Population file that has been converted to a spatial layer and reprojected to local state plane. The population centers (aka population centroids) represent the center of a population's distribution within a census tract, which can be useful for operations like measuring the distance of a tract's population from some service or hazard. The notes field indicates whether a tract's population center falls outside the tract boundary in an adjacent tract or body of water; this can occur due to the population distribution and irregular geometric shape of some tracts. The pop2010 field contains the total population from the 2010 Census. The unique ID is tractid; the FIPS state-county-tract- number code. This layer was created as part of the NYC Geodatabase (NYC GDB) project, a resource designed for basic geographic analysis and thematic mapping within the five boroughs of New York City.
Appears in Collections:Spatial Data Repository

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
nyu_2451_34504.zip108.58 kBUnknownView/Open
nyu_2451_34504_WGS84.zip98.56 kBUnknownView/Open
nyu_2451_34504_doc.zip182.67 kBUnknownView/Open

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