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From Lawyer to Librarian to Librarian Lawyer: Transitioning to Librarianship from the Legal Field

Authors: Hathcock, April
Keywords: librarianship;law
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Citation: “From Lawyer to Librarian to Librarian Lawyer: Transitioning to Librarianship from the Legal Field,” in D. E. Anderson & R. Pun, eds., Career Transitions for Librarians: Proven Strategies for Moving to Another Type of Library, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, 193-98
Abstract: For many librarians, the library field represents a second or even third or fourth career. Making the transition from another field to library work does not necessarily have to represent a revolutionary career transformation. For this particular author, transitioning from private law practice to work in a number of different libraries, including public, academic, and law, has been a natural progression in further utilizing and developing advocacy-based customer service skills.
Rights: CC BY-NC
Appears in Collections:April Hathcock's Collection

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