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“This is our land”: Ethnic violence and internal displacement in north-east India

Authors: [Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre]
Keywords: ethnicity; ethnic violence; ethnic conflict; human rights; Adivasis; Bodos; Muslims; Brus
Issue Date: Nov-2011
Publisher: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Norwegian Refugee Council
Description: "The north-eastern region of India has seen many episodes of armed conflict and generalised violence since India’s independence in 1947. Some of these situations caused massive internal displacement, of hundreds of thousands of people. In 2011, more than 76,000 people remain in internal displacement in the region due to such violence, according to conservative estimates. This report focuses on the situation of people internally displaced by three situations of generalised violence, which between them caused the displacement of over 800,000 people within the region: - violence and displacement in Assam and Meghalaya states in December 2010 and January 2011; - violence and displacement in Western Assam during the 1990s and 2000s; and -violence and displacement from Mizoram state to Tripura state in 1997 and 2009".
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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