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Unheard: domestic violence in rural Assam

Authors: Hazarika, Anurita
Sharma, Sheetal
Keywords: Domestic violence; Domestic violence -- India; Violence against women; Violence against women -- India; Child abuse; Child abuse -- India; Assam -- India; Social conditions -- India
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: North East Network, India
Description: Violence against women "is shrouded and subtle, with such incidents being massively under-reported, leading to the belief that Assam offers a safe haven for women. Unfortunately, women and girls of the state are as vulnerable to violence, both in the individual and public spheres, as those of any other state, town or village in India. Truly, this report represents the unheard voices of women who, during the interviews, revealed that they routinely experience violence in the home, in the community, in the streets and in intimate relationships. NEN deeply believes that sensitive thinking on this issue is crucial for every individual. For us, reports such as this one, films, depiction through the performing arts and, most importantly, the engagement of young men and women are critical today."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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