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dc.contributor.authorPokhrel, Adheep-
dc.contributor.authorShrestha, Bharat Man-
dc.contributor.authorThapa, Saurav Jung-
dc.coverage.spatialSouth Asia; Nepalen
dc.description"‘Being LGBT in Asia’ has a number of objectives. It encourages networking between LGBT people across the region, building a knowledge baseline and developing an understanding of the capacity of LGBT organizations to engage in policy dialogue and community mobilization. Through this work, ‘Being LGBT in Asia’ promotes understanding of the inherent human rights of LGBT people and the stigma and discrimination they face throughout the region. It also outlines steps toward LGBT-inclusive development work for UNDP and the UN system, USAID and the US Government, and other development partners, through research like this report and other social and multimedia products. Finally, this initiative highlights the views expressed by LGBT participants at national community dialogues and links stakeholders who work to enhance LGBT human rights across Asia."en
dc.publisherUnited Nations Development Programme, United States Agency for International Developmenten
dc.rightsNYU Libraries is providing access to these materials as a service to our scholarly community. We do not claim the copyright in these materials, nor can we give permission for their re-use. If you would like to request that we take down any of this material, please write to with the following information: Provide the URL of the material that is the basis of your inquiry; Identify the material you have rights to; Provide your contact information, including name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address; Provide a statement of your good-faith belief that the material you identified is infringing of the material you have rights to.en
dc.subjectSexual minorities -- Nepal; Minority rights -- Nepal; LGBT -- Nepal; Gay rights -- Nepal; LGBT rights -- Nepal; Social conditions -- Nepal; Queer politics -- Nepalen
dc.titleBeing LGBT in Asia: Nepal country reporten
dc.publisher.placeBangkok, Thailanden
Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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