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Spatial Humanities: An Agenda for Pre-Modern Research

Authors: Wrisley, David Joseph
Keywords: digital humanities;spatial humanities;pre-modern studies
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: "Spatial Humanities: An Agenda for Pre-Modern Research," Porphyra 22 (Dec 2014): 96-107.
Abstract: This article provides some basic context for digital mapping in the humanities and proposes some paths forward for researchers to experiment with digital tools. Visualizing map information today has been significantly democratized, with a variety of simple entry points available for professional and public researchers. The article discusses some of the challenges in getting and organizing pre-modern humanities spatial data and propose a list of practical suggestions for beginners. Whereas other humanists interested in mapping may find this article useful, the article is written with the pre-modern humanities researcher in mind.
ISSN: 2240-5240
Appears in Collections:David Wrisley's Collection

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