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dc.contributor.authorHoffman, Sophia-
dc.coverage.spatialAsia; Middle East; Iraq; Syriaen
dc.description"Th is article considers the activities of international, humanitarian NGOs in Syria focused on Iraqi migrants. Th e analysis questions how these INGOs were positioned towards modern state sovereignty, and sovereignty’s particular constructions of territory, population, and govern- ment. Arguing that most INGOs operated firmly within the social relations stipulated by modern sovereignty, the article uses rich ethnographic data to demonstrate how INGO activities treated Iraqis according to sovereign exclusions and ideas about citizenship, even though Iraqi life in Syria visibly contradicted these ideas. Only smaller, amateur INGOs that stood outside of the professional humanitarian sector were found to work outside of sovereignty’s norms."en
dc.publisherYork Universityen
dc.rightsNYU Libraries is providing access to these materials as a service to our scholarly community. We do not claim the copyright in these materials, nor can we give permission for their re-use. If you would like to request that we take down any of this material, please write to with the following information: Provide the URL of the material that is the basis of your inquiry; Identify the material you have rights to; Provide your contact information, including name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address; Provide a statement of your good-faith belief that the material you identified is infringing of the material you have rights to.en
dc.subjectIraq -- refugees; Syria -- refugees; Iraq -- social conditions; Iraq -- politics; Syria -- social conditions; Syria -- politics; International non-governmental organizations; Syria -- civil war; Iraq -- migrants; Syria -- migrantsen
dc.titleThe humanitarian regime of sovereignty: INGOs and Iraqi migration to Syriaen
Appears in Collections:International Relations & Ethnic Minorities: NGO and Think-Tank Reports

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