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Building resilience to climate change: MGNREGS, drought and flooding in Odisha

Authors: Steinbach, Dave
Kaur, Nanki
Manuel, Celie
Saigal, Sushil
Keywords: India -- Odisha -- Climate change; India -- Odisha -- social protection; India -- Odisha -- resilience; India -- Odisha -- poverty reduction; India -- Odisha -- public policy; Environmental Studies
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development
Description: "The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is one of India’s flagship social protection programmes. This paper is part of a series of briefings that analyse how MGNREGS builds the resilience of rural households to different climate shocks. The goal of the series is to identify options for Indian policymakers to integrate climate risk management into MGNREGS. These findings can also provide global policymakers with evidence on how to mainstream climate risk management into social protection programmes, or combine and layer social protection instruments with climate risk management instruments to address poverty in the context of climate change."
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Appears in Collections:South Asian Born-Digital NGO Reports Collection Project

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