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IMilet inv. 84 calendar inscription squeeze photo

Authors: Jones, Alexander
Subject Keywords: Greek astronomy;calendars
Date of digital object: 29-May-2019
Date of object depicted: c. 109 BCE
Technical designation of object: Berlin Antikensammlung? (Not locatable)
Language: grc
Description of particular view: Photograph of squeeze in the Inscriptiones Graecae archive, Berlin
File format: JPEG
Bibliographic citation: Jones, Alexander, "The Miletos Inscription on Calendrical Cycles: IMilet inv. 84 + inv. 1604," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 198:113-127, 2016.
Rights: Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license.
Appears in Collections:Greco-Roman astronomical inscriptions

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
IMilet_inv_84_squeeze.JPGIMilet inv. 84 photo of squeeze3.68 MBJPEGView/Open
IMilet_inv_84_squeeze_cropped_reversed.jpgIMilet inv. 84 photo of squeeze, reversed3.36 MBJPEGView/Open

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