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dc.contributor.authorHeeger, David J.-
dc.contributor.authorMackey, Wayne E.-
dc.descriptionMatlab code in this zip archive computes the results published in: Heeger DJ, Mackey WE, Oscillatory Recurrent Gated Neural Integrator Circuits (ORGaNICs): A Unifying Theoretical Framework for Neural Dynamics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.en
dc.description.abstractWorking memory is an example of a cognitive and neural process that is not static but evolves dy-namically with changing sensory inputs; another example is motor preparation and execution. We intro-duce a theoretical framework for neural dynamics, based on oscillatory recurrent gated neural integrator circuits (ORGaNICs), and apply it to simulate key phenomena of working memory and motor control. The model circuits simulate neural activity with complex dynamics, including sequential activity and trav-eling waves of activity, that manipulate (as well as maintain) information during working memory. The same circuits convert spatial patterns of premotor activity to temporal profiles of motor control activity, and manipulate (e.g., time warp) the dynamics. Derivative-like recurrent connectivity, in particular, serves to manipulate and update internal models, an essential feature of working memory and motor ex-ecution. In addition, these circuits incorporate recurrent normalization, to ensure stability over time and robustness with respect to perturbations of synaptic weights.en
dc.titleSupplementary material for "Oscillatory recurrent gated neural integrator circuits (ORGaNICs), a unifying theoretical framework for neural dynamics"en
dc.title.alternativeORGaNICs Matlab codeen
Appears in Collections:Heeger Lab Collection

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