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dc.descriptionBahia, 1887. Albumen 15.5 x 21.5 cm. Embarque do meteorito Bendegó na Estrada de Ferro Prolongamento de Bahia pelos engenheiros que o foram buscar no interior inóspito da Bahia. [Coleção Gilberto Ferrez. The Bendegó meteorite had been discovered in 18?? in the interior of Bahia state, but had not been removed before despite attempts on behalf of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro due to its exorbitant weight. Only with the extension of railway technology could the transport be effectuated. The meteorite would arrive at Rio de Janeiro after the republican coup, and subsequently be exposed in the entrance hall of the Museum at São Cristóvão, the former Imperial Palace. / Illustration taken from Rubens Fernandes Júnior & Pedro Corrêa do Lago (eds.), 'O século XIX na fotografia brasileira: coleção Pedro Corrêa do Lago', Brasília: Francisco Alves, 2001]en
dc.sourceCasa de Rui Barbosaen
dc.titleEmbarque do meteorito Bendegó na Estrada de Ferro Prolongamento de Bahiaen
Appears in Collections:Relics & Selves: Iconographies of the National in Argentina, Brazil and Chile

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