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Evaluating the 3Cs Program for Caregivers of Young Children Affected by the Armed Conflict in Colombia

Authors: González Ballesteros, Lina María
Flores, José M.
Ortiz Hoyos, Ana María
Londoño Tobón, Amalia
Hein, Sascha
Bolívar Rincon, Felipe
Gómez, Oscar
Ponguta, Liliana Angélica
Keywords: resilience;intervention;armed conflict;caregivers;peacebuilding;early childhood development;ECD;Colombia;education in emergencies;parental wellbeing;caregiver wellbeing
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Publisher: Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies
Citation: González Ballesteros, Lina María, José M. Flores, Ana María Ortiz Hoyos, Amalia Londoño Tobón, Sascha Hein, Felipe Bolívar Rincon, Oscar Gómez, and Liliana Angélica Ponguta. 2021. “Evaluating the 3Cs Program for Caregivers of Young Children Affected by the Armed Conflict in Colombia.” Journal on Education in Emergencies 7 (2): 212-52.
Series/Report no.: Volume 7;Number 2
Abstract: Colombia has endured one of the world’s longest internal displacement crises in recent history. Programs that address the practices and psychosocial wellbeing of the community of caregivers of young children in protracted crises are urgently needed. We developed and implemented a program aimed at strengthening the resilience and wellbeing of caregivers (parents, grandparents, and educators) of children enrolled in home-based and institutional centers for early childhood development in Colombia. The program, Conmigo, Contigo, Con Todos, or 3Cs, used purposive sampling across 14 municipalities disproportionately impacted by the armed conflict in Colombia. It consisted of two modules, a skills-building program (SBP) module and a psychotherapy intervention (PTI). The program content drew from cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness, and from inputs from local stakeholders. By applying a pragmatic evaluation strategy, we explored the pre-post intervention changes in parental resilience (the primary outcome of interest) through self-reports on the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The analysis of the pre-post intervention outcomes showed statistically significant improvements in CD-RISC in both intervention arms (SBP and PTI). Caregivers in the PTI group started with lower CD-RISC scores than caregivers who did not receive the PTI, and they showed the most improvement over time. Caregivers who had lower than average participation in the SBP (M=1-3 sessions out of a total of 6) did not show significant changes in CD-RISC. Additionally, caregivers who had higher than average participation in the SBP showed significantly more improvement in CD-RISC scores than caregivers who did not attend any sessions. We discuss the implications of these findings for future applications of the program and substantiate the measurable impact of interventions for caregivers in conflict settings.
ISSN: 2518-6833
Rights: The Journal on Education in Emergencies, published by the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Appears in Collections:Volume 7, Number 2 (ENGLISH)

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