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Solar Sacrifice: How an Arizona Church Lost Money by Going Solar — and Solutions for When Energy Incentives Fail to Serve the Needs of Nonprofits

Authors: Krantz, David
Keywords: Solar Energy;Religion;Public Policy;Cultural Environmentalism;Sustainability;Renewable Energy;Faith-Based Environmentalism;Case Studies
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Case Studies in the Environment (University of California Press)
Citation: David Krantz; Solar Sacrifice: How an Arizona Church Lost Money by Going Solar—and Solutions for When Energy Incentives Fail to Serve the Needs of Nonprofits. Case Studies in the Environment 2018; 2 (1): 1–8.
Abstract: By policy design, consumers are supposed to save money when they invest in solar energy. This paper presents a case study of what happens when a church goes solar and the finances go wrong. Following the installation of solar-photovoltaic panels, the Arizona church — in the Valley of the Sun, among the sunniest places in the country — decreased its energy consumption, but its electric bills went up. Through oral-history interviews of key stakeholders, the author investigates what happened, and what could be done to prevent other religious institutions and nonprofits from experiencing the church’s fate.
Rights: © 2018 by David Krantz. All rights reserved. Non-exclusive license granted to NYU for free distribution.
Appears in Collections:Cultural Environmentalism

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