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Excavations at Trimithis (mod. Amheida), 2013 field season: B1 replica report

Authors: Schulz, Dorothea
Keywords: Ancient Egypt;Roman Egypt;Late Antique Egypt;Dakhla oasis;Amheida;Trimithis;wall paintings;conservation;architectural replicas;didactics;Archaeology
Issue Date: Feb-2013
Abstract: After completing the ‘wallpaper’ patterns in the Domed Room in February 2012 Martin Hense and Dorothea Schulz dedicated their time to reconstructing the decoration of the dome and commencing work on the figurative scenes. It was planned to decorate the dome in November 2012, but the year’s permit was issued only in January 2013, and work was carried out from January 19th to February 17th 2013. Because it was not possible for conservation work to take place at Kellis this year, we were able to hire Tamer Ramadan, who usually works as conservator in Kellis. He proved to be a great and enthusiastic collaborator, without whom the decoration of the dome could never have been accomplished. Martin Hense could not be present in Amheida but nevertheless provided important information, revised reconstructions and an indispensable ‘helpdesk’. Thus this season saw the complete reconstruction of the decoration of the dome in the ‘Domed Room’ (Room 1 in the original building).
Rights: CC-BY 4.0
Appears in Collections:The NYU Amheida Excavations

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