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Dakhleh Oasis Project, Columbia University: Excavations at Amheida 2008, Preliminary Report

Authors: Davoli, Paola
Ball, Eugene
Casagrande-Kim, Roberta
Boozer, Anna L.
Kaper, Olaf E.
Bagnall, Roger
Pavia, Fabrizio
Maggioni, Silvia
Keywords: Ancient Egypt;Roman Egypt;Late Antique Egypt;Amheida;Dakhla Oasis;Archaeology;Trimithis
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: The 2008 excavation season started on the 26th of January and continued until the 23rd of February. The main goals of this season were to finish the excavation of the service areas in area 2.1 north of a rich house of the 4th century A.D. in the center of the city, to continue excavations of the area of the Temple of Thoth, and to carry out architectural conservation work aimed at stabilizing a tower tomb of the Roman period located to the north part of the site. Area 2.1 has been under excavation since 2004. In addition, the material from the house in Area 1.3, in the northern part of the site, which was excavated in 2005-2007, was studied in preparation for its final publication.
Appears in Collections:The NYU Amheida Excavations

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