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dc.contributor.authorLozano, Lina-
dc.contributor.authorRiedl, Arno-
dc.contributor.authorRott, Christina-
dc.identifier.citationLozano, L., Riedl, A., & Rott, C. (2024). The impact of the menstrual cycle on bargaining behavior. NYUAD Division of Social Science Working Paper, #0097.en
dc.description.abstractWe investigate experimentally how the menstrual cycle affects bargaining behavior and bargaining outcomes of women. Female participants negotiate in an unstructured bilateral bargaining game with asymmetric information about the allocation of a surplus (’pie size’). We find that the menstrual cycle affects bargaining behavior and that the effects depend on players’ information. Players who are informed about the pie size are less compromising during ovulation and receive higher payoffs conditional on reaching an agreement. Uninformed players achieve higher final payoffs during ovulation, which is mainly driven by higher agreement rates. Our study provides first evidence that biological factors affect bargaining.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNYUAD Division of Social Science Working Papers;#0097-
dc.subjectasymmetric informationen
dc.subjectmenstrual cycleen
dc.subjectbiological factorsen
dc.titleThe impact of the menstrual cycle on bargaining behavioren
dc.typeWorking Paperen
Appears in Collections:Social Science Working Papers

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