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The last free traders? Interwar trade policy in the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies

Authors: de Zwart, Pim
Lampe, Markus
O’Rourke, Kevin Hjortshøj
Issue Date: Feb-2023
Citation: de Zwart, P., Lampe, M., & O'Rourke, K. H. (2023). The last free traders? Interwar trade policy in the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies. NYUAD Division of Social Science Working Paper, #0083.
Series/Report no.: NYUAD Division of Social Science Working Papers;#0083
Description: The version of record for this working paper is: de Zwart, P., Lampe, M., & O'Rourke, K. H. (2024). The last free traders? Interwar trade policy in the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies. The Economic History Review, 77(3), pp. 763-1121.
Appears in Collections:Social Science Working Papers

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