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Browsing by Author Economides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Broadband Openness Rules Are Fully Justified by Economic ResearchEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2010A Critical Appraisal of Remedies in the EU Microsoft CasesEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Lianos, Ioannis - University College London
2007The Economics of the InternetEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2004The Economics of the Internet BackboneEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2007The Elusive Antitrust Standard on Bundling in Europe and in the United States in the Aftermath of the Microsoft CasesEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Llanos, Ioannis - University College
2005The Incentive for Vertical IntegrationEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2005Linux vs. Windows: A Comparison of Application and PlatformInnovationIncentives for Open Source and Proprietary Software PlatformsEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Katsamakas, Evangelos - Fordham University
2009Loyalty/requirement rebates and the Antitrust Modernization Commission: What is the appropriate liability standard?Economides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2007Net Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market AnalysisEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Tag, Joacim - IFN
2007Net Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market AnalysisEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Tag, Joacim - IFN
2007'Net Neutrality,' Non-Discrimination and Digital Distribution of Content Through the InternetEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2007Nonbanks in the Payments System: Vertical Integration IssuesEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2007Patents and Antitrust: Application to Adjacent MarketsEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Herbert, WILLIAM N. - Calvo and Clark LLP
2005Pricing of Complements and Network EffectsEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Viard, V. Brian - Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
2007Quantifying the benefits of entry into local phone serviceEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Seim, Katja - University of Pennsylvania; Viard, V. Brian - Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
2005Quantifying the benefits of entry into local phone serviceEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Seim, Katja - University of Pennsylvania; Viard, V. Brian - Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
2004Telecommunications Regulation: An IntroductionEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
2004Two-Sided Competition of Proprietary vs. Open Source TechnologyPlatforms and the Implications for the Software IndustryEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Katsamakas, Evangelos - Fordham University
2005Two-Sided Competition of Proprietary vs. Open Source TechnologyPlatforms and the Implications for the Software IndustryEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business; Katsamakas, Evangelos - Fordham University
2010Why Imposing New Tolls on Third-Party Content and Applications Threatens Innovation and Will Not Improve Broadband Providers' InvestmentEconomides, Nicholas - NYU Stern School of Business
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20