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Dimensionalizing Involvement with Websites - An Exploratory Study

Authors: Viswanathan, Sivakumar
Tsechansky, Maytal
Ramanathan, Suresh
Chen, Fei
Keywords: Technology and Consumers;Involvement;Interviews;Survey Research;Factor Analysis;Discriminant Analysis
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Stern School of Business, New York University
Series/Report no.: IS-98-06
Abstract: This paper studies the dimensions underlying user involvement with Websites and builds upon the existing body of knowledge on involvement with traditional media. A multidimensional bipolar semantic differential scale based on Zaichkowsky's Personal Involvement Inventory is used to identify the factors that determine the level of involvement in a Website. Websites are then classified, based on these factors, as high or low involvement sites. Involvement with Web sites was found to comprise of three dimensions - cognitive, affective and structural. Among these, the cognitive and the affective dimensions were found to have the highest discriminating power between high and low involvement sites while the structural dimension was found to serve as a moderating factor.
Appears in Collections:IOMS: Information Systems Working Papers

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